Dane CCC R600766
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2 revisions | rrcarlso at Apr 13, 2020 02:51 PM Dane CCC R600766Record Type: Declaration
Family Name: Sager
Given Name: John Jacob
Family Name - Alternate (X- Name at top of card):
Given Name - Alternate:
Address: Mt. Horeb, Wis. (RFD #3)
Vol/Page (Enter V-PG or Filed YYYY): Vol. 13/Pg. 132
Title/Location of Court: Circuit Court, Dane
Place of Birth: Meggen, Switzerland
Date of Birth: Oct. 5, 1887
Certificate #:
Port of Arrival:
Arrival Date:
Naturalization Date:
Witness 1:
Witness 1 Address:
Witness 2:
Witness 2 Address:
Date of admission:
Date Certificate Issued:
Petition #:
Alien Registration #:
Record Type: Declaration Family Name: Sager Given Name: John Jacob Family Name - Alternate (X- Name at top of card): Given Name - Alternate: Address: Mt. Horeb, Wis. (RFD #3) Vol/Page (Enter V-PG or Filed YYYY): Vol. 13/Pg. 132 Title/Location of Court: Circuit Court, Dane Place of Birth: Meggen, Switzerland Date of Birth: Oct. 5, 1887 Certificate #: Port of Arrival: Arrival Date: Naturalization Date: Witness 1: Witness 1 Address: Witness 2: Witness 2 Address: Age: Date of admission: Date Certificate Issued: Petition #: Alien Registration #: Dane CCC R600766 |