Dane CCC Reel 405346




Status: Page Status Transcribed

Record Type: Petition

Family Name: Mirzoian

Given Name: Garabed Sarkis

Family Name - Alternate (X- Name at top of card): Mirza

Given Name - Alternate:

Address: 111 N. Randall Ave., Madison, Wis.

Vol/Page (Enter V-PG or Filed YYYY): 28-39

Title/Location of Court: Circuit Court, Dane

Place of Birth: Keghi Erziram, Turkey

Date of Birth: Oct. 21, 1902

Certificate #: 2469666

Port of Arrival: Providence, R. I.

Arrival Date: Feb. 14, 1921

Naturalization Date: May 21, 1928

Witness 1: R. A. Moore

Witness 1 Address: 38 Virginia, Tr., Madison, Wis.

Witness 2: Norman C. Kimball

Witness 2 Address: 1725 Madison, St., Madison, Wis.


Date of admission:

Date Certificate Issued:

Petition #: 2939

Alien Registration #:

Notes and Questions

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Witness 2 Address: Could be 1725 or 1735 Madison St.

Wisconsin Historical Society

Reviewed early street addresses in Madison. Only option is 1725. Updated the record. Thanks!