May Meeting 1811 Then Rec.d Hardy Gay Charlst Ex Horn Nancy Traweck ExCmd and Lancy dismised Bu[...] Hoigh By Experience and immersion
August Meeting 1811 Then Recd Cloe dismised byLee Elizebeth Wiliam William. B. Hocut Rose a servant of Thos Price Peter as servant of Cade Afford David a servant of Willie Fennele and servant of Josiah Cr[udeep] By Experience + immirsion [Pheraraba?] Mial into Fellowship untill she can Obtain a letter of dismiss[ion?] from Bear Creek Church
September Meeting 1811 Then Recd Johnson Britt Lee Wil[edar?] Samuel High {dsd by [...] } William Hicks Beedy Minton Heddy Hobbs and Sister Afford by Experience and Immersion The same day it was agreed that Elder John Purifoy prepare a letter of petition for Admittance into the Raleigh Association
Since the Constitution of this Church the the following members has been Recd from different Churches by litter Lovina Shaw Crop Roads Elizibeth Ferrel Rocky Spring Johnston County Rachel [??adford] Town Creek Edgecomb County Sarah Jordan Rocky Spring Johnston County
September Meeting 1811 Continued Rec.d into fellowship Rightmon Hillard Simeon Stephens {Excommunicated} Sapphire Hendley and Charlot a servant of W m Wooton by Experience and Immersion
December Meeting 1811 Then Recd into fellowship John Parker Candance Hinton Elizabeth Sikes Benjamin a servant of wilider Cresia a servant of W m Hinton Rose a servant of [Crudeep?] Jefferson a servant of James Hinton vinus and dice servants of Crudeep and Chana aservant of Tho s Price by Experience and Immersion
January Meeting 1812 Then Recd into fellowship Peter dssed aservant of Sollomon Willoby, James Morpusdismissed [by?] letter and George a servant {Excommunicated} of Edw d Lee by Experience and Immersion
February Meeting, 1812, none Recd
March Meeting 1813 Recd into fellowship Polley (dismissed by letter) Mosnaham by letter from town Creek church Edgecomb county at the same time Received into fellowship Rebeckah Decnsdismised by letter, William Richardson sin dead Hannah ded a servant of Josiah James by Experience and immersion
April Meeting 1812 then Recd into fellowship [...]ah King, Jesse Rhodes, [unintelligible] a servant of dead [...]ed Hinton peggy. ditto Michael a servant of Joseph Tucker by Experience + immersion
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