Collaboration is restricted for this collection. Please contact the project owner if you wish to help transcribe.
Transcription Conventions
- Spelling: Use original spelling if possible.
- Capitalization: Retain original capitalization.
- Punctuation: Use original punctuation when possible.
- Illegible text: If you can't figure out a word, type [illegible] in brackets. If you have an idea, type your best guess and add [?] in brackets after the word.
- Line Breaks: Hit
to add line breaks where they exist on the page being transcribed. Two returns for a new paragraph, whether indicated by a blank line or by indentation in the original. - Crossed out text: write the word and follow it with [crossed out] in brackets. For a whole sentence, write [sentence crossed out] after transcribing it all. For an entire paragraph, [paragraph crossed out].
- Marginalia: Marginalia is text inserted into margins and occasionally between lines. Transcribe by including it near the related body text and wrapping it in [*square brackets with asterisks*]. If it appears unrelated, add it to the bottom of the page in [*square brackets with asterisks*].
- Tables: Please follow the formatting seen on Table Encoding when transcribing a table.
"Autolink" will suggest subjects certain words could be linked to or you can use double braces to link subjects. [[Jane Doe]]
will link the text "Jane Doe" to the subject Jane Doe, while [[Jane Doe|Jane]]
will link the text "Jane" to the subject Jane Doe. We recommend that linking be left to an editor after the initial transcription is made.