The proceedings of Decr meting 1839
Recieved by experience Piety a servant of Sister Bunch, [*12*] Receved Samuel Green a man of Colour [*14*] Receved Riley Morgan a man of colour [*14*]
December the 12 1839 The church met in conference And granted brother Berry Horton a letter of dismiss
Also A letter of Dismission granted sister Delany Jones
December [crossed out] February Meeting 1840
The church in conferrence At Hephzibah chose brother Mark Nowel moderator and proceded to business
Letters of dismission granted to Jeremiah Roads and Wilson Bolten and wife Zaney and sister Julia Dinkins
At the same meeting the church chose brother Joel Clifton as their paster
March Meeting 1840
The church met in conferrence at Hephzibah
And chose Brother Mark Nowel moderater and Proceeded to business
And brother Joel Clifton agreed to take the care of the Church
Received by experience Martha T [*Dead*] Nowel daughter of Berrey Nowel and Chrlot a servant of Wiley Nicols, And Isham a servant of John Pair
Dismist by letter Solomon Pedndergrass sister Penelopee Burn sister Roene Burn, And Hardy Horton and wife Catherine
At the same time a charge against brother Aderson Parish for departing from the truth And excommunicated for the above charge
At the same time a charge against brother Thomas Hubbard for drunkenness bro Ransom Lee nominated to cite him to the next meeting
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