July Meeting, 1810 Then Rec.d, --
Elizebeth Private and Willis Bunches
Lucy by + Experience and Immersion ----
[*Excommunicated for the sin of fornication*]
August meeting, 1810 Then Rec.d
Barbara Rhodes by Experience and Immersion
and the same day Reuben Jordan was
Excommunicated for the sin of adultery ----
Some time this year Elizebeth Shaw was Rec.ded [*did*]
by Experience and Immersion
September Meeting 1810 Then Rec.d
James Ferrell by Experience and Immersion
at the same time was Samuel Richardsons
Jane Recd by Experience and immersion [*gone away*]
December Meeting 1810 Then Recd
Selah Earp and Mary Stricland by Experience
and Immersion
For the year of our lord, 1811----
January Meeting Then Recd
[* [?] by leter*] Rhoda Traweck and Anaka as a servant -
of David Bunch by Experience + Immersion
March Meeting, 1811 Then Rec.d
Delilah Baccus by Experience and Immersion [*excommunicated*]
May meeting -- 1811 Then Rec.d Martha House
and Patience aservant of W.m Wooton by
Experience and Immersion -----
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