Financial records and correspondence, 1867-1925 (Cashie Baptist Church, Windsor, N.C.)



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Edenton Nov 2nd. 1883.

To the Cashie Church;

Dear Brethren and Sisters,

After having considered your communication of Oct 22nd. I am prepared to give my answer as follows.

I accept the call from Cashie Ch, and it gives me pleasure to think of serving you, which service I pray may be profitable, and pleasant.

I would like to be understood, that though I accept for the year if I do not suit you I shall not tax your [illegible] or patience, but give you proper notice and relieve you. I dont know

Last edit 2 months ago by Emily@WFU
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Column 1
but little of me, but I shall do my best to break[?] to you the same "Old Gospel" and implore Gods blessings upon you. I dont think a Church should feel we are obliged to [illegible] our Pastor for the year, and because of this I always ask that the privilige be reservd by Ch. and granted the Pastor if any good cause exist why he should vacate the field he be priviliged so to do. Any word about the last letter I am grateful for your kind expressions, which were more than I expected which prompted me back about board.

I shall give my self no concern about the salary,

Column 2
I had been in habit of settling accounts as I go.

Dear Brethren I hope we shall be a blessing each to the other, and may Coridance[?] will it so that year, many years many bind us to gather. I hope much from labouring with you in Prayer Meetings, Sabbath school, and regular ministration of the word.

It would afford me great pleasure to hear from you occasionaly, having cast my lot with you what interests you, will also me.

The third Sabbath will suit me to be with you.

Very truly

R Van Deventer.

Last edit about 1 month ago by Emily@WFU
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Church at Cashie Windsor N C

1 Feby 1873

This is to certify that our Sister Mrs Nancy Cobb has been received into the Fellowship of this church on the faith of a letter dismissing her from the church at Ross --

By order of the Church Attest S. J. Wheeler Church Clerk

Elder Jerih. Bunch } Moderator }

Last edit about 1 month ago by Emily@WFU
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Hick's Whf Mathews Co. Va.. Sept 1st '84

Dear Brethren of Cashie Church

In addressing you, I have first to express my sincere regret, and humbly ask your forgiveness that this letter is consequent to a resolution and note, lately received from my Dear Brother Cobb, your clerk, informing me of the action of the church Conference. I offer no excuse adequate to the wrong of my long silence and have often reproched myself for the culpable neglect of what should have been a pleasure rather than a task. My habits of life have induced upon me a dislike of writ ing and a proneness to procrastination in its performance. Sincerely sorry for my failure to do that which my heart prompted I humbly crave forgiveness and entreat your earnest prayers that through the grace of our God I may be more faithful, and live more constantly

Last edit about 1 month ago by Jannyp
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in the discharge of my Christian duties, and in the enjoyment of that spiritual life which is in Christ Jesus. I lament very much our excluded situation from Church privileges of our own faith and order, and our consequent want of Christian communion and, love.

While I always remember in prayer my brethren of Cashie Ch. that they may be as one, that through the abundance of the Grace of God they may show forth his love, and ever advance in Divine life, I beseech you bretherin pray for me and mine. Mrs. Freeman asks that this letter be received as from her also. I know nothing, my Dear brethren, that could give me more joy than to be with you again, but it is fixed otherwise. Should it be the pleasure of the church I ask a letter for myself and Mrs. Freeman that we may join some Church in our County, when we may occasion ally worship, if we do not make our contemplated move to Baltimore. Yours in Christian Love PS. My son Lieut S D Freeman may be addresed Jas. J. Freeman at Fort Davis, Texas, his station! his mother wrote him of your notice,

Last edit 2 months ago by Jannyp
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