Piney [?] Grove Baptist church To any Sister church of same faith & order Dear brethren This is to certify that Brother g. [?] L Spivy a member of our church & in excellent standing & full fellowship & at his request is this letter of dismission [illegible] in chu. conference Dec 22nd 1883 good for six months only T. W. Babb Mod. Jas E Skinner Clk
Bertie county N. C.
Lawrence cross Roads, Baptist church
To any other church of some Faith and order
Dear Brethren at the request of our Brother John, W, Lane a member in good standing and full fellowship with us, this letter of dismission is granted unto him to unite himself with you and we will consider him dismissed from us when united with you and we are officially notified of the fact within six months from date.
Done by order of conference and in behalf of the church assembled Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in Sept. 1883
Elder B F Barber Mdr.
J. W. Langdale ch. clk.
Edenton Oct 23rd. 1883.
To Cashie Church
Dear Brethren, I would like to make some inquiries before I answer your call.
How much will my board cost me? I will be with you if I come, a few days of each month. And could I find board in some private family, where it would be home like?
What will be the cost for travel by boat? And how has your ch. been accostomed to pay the salery, monthly or quarterly? These are simple questions, but at same time vital ones.
I would love to preach for you,
as best I can, if I can see it my duty after hearing from this letter. Please let me hear from you at once. You know about these matters, and can inform me without waiting for Conference.
I would very much like to hear from you by next Wednesday if posible.
Wishing you much prosperity and continued blessings I am yours in X.
R. Van Deoenter.