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in the discharge of my Christian duties, and
in the enjoyment of that spiritual life which
is in Christ Jesus. I lament very much our
excluded situation from Church privileges of
our own faith and order, and our consequent
want of Christian communion and, love.

While I always remember in prayer my
brethren of Cashie Ch. that they may be as one,
that through the abundance of the Grace of God
they may show forth his love, and ever advance
in Divine life, I beseech you bretherin pray for
me and mine. Mrs. Freeman asks that this
letter be received as from her also. I know
nothing, my Dear brethren, that could give me
more joy than to be with you again, but it is
fixed otherwise. Should it be the pleasure of
the church I ask a letter for myself and
Mrs. Freeman that we may join some
Church in our County, when we may occasion
ally worship, if we do not make our contemplated
move to Baltimore. Yours in Christian Love
PS. My son Lieut S D Freeman may be addresed Jas. J. Freeman
at Fort Davis, Texas, his station! his mother wrote him of
your notice,

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