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Hick's Whf Mathews Co. Va..
Sept 1st '84

Dear Brethren of Cashie Church

In addressing you, I have first to
express my sincere regret, and humbly
ask your forgiveness that this letter is
consequent to a resolution and note, lately
received from my Dear Brother Cobb, your
clerk, informing me of the action
of the church Conference. I offer no
excuse adequate to the wrong of my long silence
and have often reproched myself for the
culpable neglect of what should have been
a pleasure rather than a task. My habits
of life have induced upon me a dislike of writ
ing and a proneness to procrastination in its perfor-
mance. Sincerely sorry for my failure to do
that which my heart prompted I humbly
crave forgiveness and entreat your earnest
prayers that through the grace of our God I
may be more faithful, and live more constantly

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