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Column 1
but little of me, but I shall
do my best to break[?] to
you the same "Old Gospel" and
implore Gods blessings upon
you. I dont think a Church
should feel we are obliged to
[illegible] our Pastor for the year,
and because of this I always
ask that the privilige be
reservd by Ch. and granted
the Pastor if any good cause
exist why he should vacate
the field he be priviliged so
to do. Any word about the
last letter I am grateful for
your kind expressions, which
were more than I expected
which prompted me back
about board.

I shall give my self no
concern about the salary,

Column 2
I had been in habit of set-
tling accounts as I go.

Dear Brethren I hope we
shall be a blessing each
to the other, and may Cor-
idance[?] will it so that
year, many years many bind us
to gather. I hope much
from labouring with you
in Prayer Meetings, Sabbath
school, and regular min-
istration of the word.

It would afford me great
pleasure to hear from you
occasionaly, having cast my
lot with you what interests
you, will also me.

The third Sabbath will
suit me to be with you.

Very truly

R Van Deventer.

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