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University Medical School. Hewill return to his post
at the opening of the next session.

During the periods of the President's absence from the
College, one of which extended to nearly one month, his
adminstrative duties have been performed by Dr. Chas. E.
Brewer as Chairman of the Faculty.

The Inauguration of the President Dec. 7th 1905, was
an event in the college year made notable by the
gathering at the college of a very large representation
of its Baptist constituency and many men distinguished
in the educational and public life of North Carolina. A
detailed accounty of the occasion, together with the
addresses made, was published in The News and Observer,
Raleigh, in its issue of DEC. 8th, 1905.

The report of the Dean of the School of Medicine

"Dr. W. L. POTEAT, President of Wake Forest
Dear Sir: -- I have the honor to submit the
following report of the condition of the Medical
Department during the past session.

In the outset I desire to call your attention to the
fact that a change in the faculty invariably leads to
a depression in the department so affected. It will also
be remembered that the vacancy in this department was
not filled until July 25th, a little more than one month
before the last session opened.

An incomplete department as this one was most of last
summer, should not be expected to make any decided
growth during this time. On July 25th 1905 the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees of W. F. College
placed the honor and responsibility fo the deanship upon
my shoulders, and this report will deal with conditions
of the Executive Committee, Dr. Lewis M. Gaines, who had
been highly recommended, wwas elected professor of
Anatomy and Physiology. Having been intimately
associated with Dr Gaines and his work during the last
session, and in my official position beging to a certain
extent responsible for the character of the work, I wish
to take this opportunity of testifying to the excellence
of his work as a teacher. His courses in subjects taught
and method of isntruction, have been complete and

In considering the explenses of the Medical Department
I desire to call your atteention to the one basic
principle upon which the department must stand, if it
stand for the good of humanity. The fact is, that the
supply of both Medical Schools and doctors is in excess
of the demand; therefore, we do wrong to increase the
disproportion unlesss we can assist in supplying better
doctors, for which there is, and will continue to be,
a crying demand. In this principle of excellence this
department must find its only reason for existence. With
this idea ever before us we have brought what material
and equipment we needed, never sacrificing thoroughness
for unwise economy The Board of Trustees on Sept 12
1905 voted $500.00 to the departments of Anatomy and
Physiology for their equipment. Of this amount, $469.00
have been spent. In the Histological, Pathological and
Bacteriological Laboratories $176.60 have been spent.
This makes the total expenses of the Medical Department
for the past session $645.00. At least 90% of this amount
remains in the deparment as permanent impprovements. Of
this $85.00 has been invested in dissecting material, now
safely preserved in our Anatomical Laboratory for the next
year. As you know we have our greatest difficulty in

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