



Status: Indexed

Book II Bosra to Umm idj-Djimâl
Djemarrîn The Haurân

There are many roads leading from Bosra
passing through towns in the immediate suburbs.
We explored only two of these, both leading in
northerly directions, and of these only a few
miles were covered. The first road took
us about due north to Djemarrîn
passing by the Dêr Miknī, a small ruin of crude
character showing little dressed stonework and
only a few columns. This was probably the site
of a small convent of little importance.

At Djemarîn there seems to have been a large
villa with numerous dependancies rather
than a town. Nearby is a fine bridge over
the Wadi iz-Zêdī, which corresponds in style
and manner of building, with the bridge over the
same Wadi near it-Taiyiheh, and undoubtedly
was built at about the same time - 164 A.D.

The bridge in question is larger in every
way than that near it-Taiyiheh, having

Notes and Questions

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All the village/location names need to be double checked as you cant always read his writing, and sometimes he spells the words differently on different pages.

Confusing words: course/corner/cornice.......carried/carved.....corner/
building/moulding.... Capital letters D/A......was/were/ near/rear.....(L- SHORT FOR to)

Syrian names and places to be checked
ā ê â î û

[[Dû il-Kahf]]
[[Dêr il-Kahf]
[[Dêr Miknī]]
[[DJ Haurân | Djebel Haurân]]
[[Dîr Mîssik]]
[[Hàdi Râdjil]].
[[il 'Arādejeh]]
[[il 'Arādejeh]]
[[il- Kâris]]
[[il- Melleh]]
[[Kala'at Zirka]]
[[Ḳaṣr il-Bâ'iḳ]]
[[Khirbit il-Khiṣṣîn]]
[[Kôm il-Menârah]].
[[Kôm Ku'aiyid]]
[[Temple of Ba'al Shamîn]].
[[Temple of Ba'al Shalmîn]]
[[Umm idj-Djimâl]]
[[Umm il-Ḳoṭên]]
[[Umm il-Ḳuṭṭên]].
[Umm il-Mizâbil]]
[[Umm il Mizâbil]]
[[Umm is-Surab]]
[[Umm Ḳoṣêr]]
[[Umm Kosêr]]
[[Umm Liwân]]
[[Wadi iz-Zêdī]]

There are only a handful of unexplained words left to decipher. Any student of ancient architecture will have no trouble interpreting the missing words. Any word or phrase that I didn't recognise; I substantiated the meaning of, and recorded in the notes of each relevant page. This will corroborate that I have determined the most likely word correctly.