



Status: Incomplete



This is one of the medium sized ruins of
the Djebel Rîhā. It appears to have been
practically deserted for many centuries; though
there is evidence that one of the buildings near
the church was converted into a mosque in
the middle ages, and a portico of one of the
larger houses has been enclosed and roofed
and still affords shelter for one family.

The ancient town was built at the head
of a wadi and its buildings were erected
on both sides of the declivity The bath is
situated near the head of the wadi at the
bottom of a sort of natural amphitheatre upon
the slopes of which are many free standing
sarcophagi and other forms of tombs.

Church. The church
stands on the slope of the wadi - a small
and apparently early building with a group of
ecclesiastical structures extending towards the
south. The eastern parts of the church, with

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Declivity: a downward inclination, or slope.