Deciphering Dickens


Deciphering Dickens

Charles Dickens left behind a remarkably complete record of his literary output, including not just handwritten drafts for most of the major novels but also marked-up page proofs, serial publications, illustrations, theatrical adaptations, and records of his own legendary performances from his work. These manuscripts, many of which were gifted to the V&A by Dickens's agent and executor John Forster, are a uniquely powerful resource not just for showing the hand of history's greatest novelist but for revealing that author's mind at work. The dense thicket of revisions allows us to see his first thoughts, changes of mind, and innumerable refinements of expression.

The Dickens archives present an almost unique resource for understanding the entire process of textual composition, production, reproduction, and dissemination, using an exceptionally famous author and going from "planning to proofs".

For more information about the project, see:

A Christmas Carol Manuscript

A Christmas Carol Manuscript

The Morgan Library and Museum, MA 97. Photography by Graham S. Haber.

68 pages: 33% complete (34% corrected)
Barnaby Rudge Manuscript: Chapters 1 to 7

Barnaby Rudge Manuscript: Chapters 1 to 7

The autograph manuscript of Barnaby Rudge is now bound in 8 volumes (V&A MSL/1876/Forster/155/1 to 8). The first 7 chapters (V&A Volume 1) are currently included in this transcription project.

Collaboration is restricted.

98 pages: 19% complete (22% transcribed, 3% needs review)
Little Dorrit Manuscript: Chapters 1 to 4

Little Dorrit Manuscript: Chapters 1 to 4

The autograph manuscript of Little Dorrit is now bound in 8 volumes (V&A MSL/1876/Forster/165/1 to 8). The first volume is currently included in this transcription project.

Collaboration is restricted.

47 pages: 10% complete (24% transcribed, 13% needs review)
Little Dorrit Manuscript: Chapters 5 to 8

Little Dorrit Manuscript: Chapters 5 to 8

The autograph manuscript of Little Dorrit is now bound in 8 volumes (V&A MSL/1876/Forster/165/1 to 8). The first volume is currently included in this transcription project.

33 pages: 6% complete (27% transcribed, 21% needs review)
Little Dorrit Working Notes

Little Dorrit Working Notes

The V&A holds the author's working notes or "Number Plans" for Little Dorrit. The notes for No. II onwards are bound in with the main manuscript, while No. I is in another volume. The text is written on foolscap pages that were originally folded in half. Themes and ideas for inclusion in...

9 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Displaying all 5 works

Incomplete Works