Piedmont Land and Industrial Improvement Co.

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Virginia and the chief business to be transacted shall be the origin and fulfillment and accomplishment of the objects and purposes for which the said company was formed as herein before set forth in the clause or section numbered second (2nd) of this certificate.

6th. The officers of the company shall consist of a president and vice president who shall be ex officio directors and not less than five nor nore than nine other directors and a secretary and treasurer and such other officers or agents as the by-laws may prescribe and the board of of directores determine upon, and the offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by the same person. The names and addresses of the officers who for the first year are to manage the affairs of the company are as follows: President Robert Keler, Vice President D.D. Alexander, Directors, C. N.W. Cary, Charles Goodloe St. , Stephen B. Logan, Schuyler Saunders, W.C. Gibbons, W.L. Brown, B. Bullock, J.H. Ferguson and A. Truatt, Secretary J. W. Sellers and Treasurer Charles Coles, all of them residents of the said City of Charlottesville and State of Virginia, except said Cary and Gibbons who are residents of Albemarle County.

Given under our hands this 9th day of April 1889 W.L. Brown Jas. H. Ferguson Alexander Truatt S. Saunders J.W. Sellers Robert Kelser Stephen B. Logan W. C. Gibbons Berkley Bullock

State of Virginia City of Charlottesville

I, R.W. Duke, Clerk of the Corporation Court for the City aforesaid, do certifify that W.L. Brown, James H. Ferguson, Alexander Truatt, S. Saunders, J.W. Sellers, Robert Kelser, Stephen B. Logan, W.C.

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Scot French



Gibbons and Berkly Bullock whose names are signed to the foregoing writing bearing date on the 9th day of April 1899 have and each of them has this day acknowledged the same before me in the Clerk's office of the Corporation Court aforesaid.

Given under my hand this 9th day of April anno domini 1889.

R. W. Duke, Clerk

At a Corporation Court continued and held in and for the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, at the Court House of the said City, on this 16th day of April 1889. Present the Honorable R.T.W. Duke Jr., Judge of the said Court.

This day come W.L. Brown, James H. Ferguson, Alexander Truatt, S. Saunders, J.W. Sellers, Robert Kelser, Stephen B. Logan, W.C. Giboon, and Berkley Bullock by their attorney and by leave of Court filed their certificate in writing pursuant to section eleven of the formation of a joint stock company as provided by law and it appearing to the Court that the said certificate which bears date on the 9th day of April 1889, is duly made, signed, and acknowledged by the parties aforesaid in the mode prescrived by law and that in all other respects it complies with and fulfills the requirements of law in reference to such certificates for the granting of charters by certain of the Courts of Virginia as provided by the laws thereof: Thereupon on the motion of the parities aforesaid by their attoruney it is considered, adjudged and ordered by the Court that a charter of incorporation be and such charter is hereby granted untio the parties aforesaid upon the terms set forth in the said certificate; and they and their associates and successors are hereby created and declared a body politic and corporate by the name of the Piedmont Industrial and Land Improvement Company and by that name shall have, exercise and enjoy each, all and

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Scot French



every of the rights, powers, franchises and privileges specified and set forth in the aforesaid certificate in writing, together with such other rights, franchises and powers as are incident to and by the general laws of Virginia are vested in corporations and chartered companies formed and created under an order of Court.

The aforesaid certificate in writing is to be herewith recored along with and as a part of this order and charter and as showing the terms thereof as aforesaid.

R.T.W. Duke, Jr., Judge Corp. Ct. City of Charlottesvilel Va.

In the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Courth of the City of Charlottesville on the 16th day of April 1889.

The foregoing charter of incorporation of The Piedmont Industrial and Land Improvement Company, with the order of the Judge of said Court thereon endorsed, was recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and I hereby certify the same to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia to be in like manner recorded in his office. Given under my hand as Clerk of said Court this 16th day of April 1889.

R.W. Duke, Clerk

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Scot French
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