Nevill Minor Abstracts 186970 JPEG






4f Constable's Bond V.C. Ch 49. S. 13 5f Bond of sergeant of corporation V.C. Ch. 49. S.7. 6f Guardians Bond V.C. Ch 127. S.5.6. 7f Bond of Executor or Administrator. V.C. Ch. 130. S. Id Ch. 131. S.2. 8f Refunding Bond VC Ch 132. S. 30 to 32 9f Indemnifying Bond VC ch 152. S.4. 10f Delivery or Forth— coming Bond. V.C. Ch 189. S. 1. 2d Agreements Executory & collateral other than. Bonds with collateral condition. wh: con. 1e The general nature of such agreements & there: con. 1f Agreements of Record 2 Bl con. 465. N(36) 2f Agreements under seal wh. con. 1g Nature & requisites of a sealed instrument 1 Bl com: 296 to 308 &c 2 [Rob]: Pract (Ed 1855) 2 &c 2g Effect of Penalty {amot} annexed. Chit: Contracts 863 & 3g The several sorts of sealed instruments 2 Bl com. 295 &c wherein consider 1h Deed & Indented. 2h Deeds Roll. {3}

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3f Agreements not under seal. Often called Parol or simple contracts. See 3 Bl com. 4655 n (36) 2l Forms of agreements Executory & collateral most frequently in use. Graydon's Forms 46 &c. Tate & [Sands] American Forms 43 &c. 2a Modes of securing & of Transferring Rights of Property by means of powers. 2 Lom. Dig. 417 &c 4. Kents Com 315 &c. wh: con: 1b The General Nature of powers. wh: of 1c Common Law Authorities & therein consider 1d Powers (or letters) of Attorney. V.C. Ch 116.S.3 2d Powers contained in wills V.C. Ch 131. S.1 2c Powers under the statute of uses to de– clare a future use Quaere. Can such a power exist in VA as to the legal estate V.C. Ch. 116 S.14 2 Lom Dig: 148. 4 Kent's Com 315 &c. 2b Forms of powers most frequently in use Grayd: Forms 334 &c Tate & Sands Amer: Forms. 120 &c 3a Modes of {Transferring} securing & of Transferring Rights of property by means of contracts executed

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Including the discussion of conveyances with modes of executing {them} and authenticating them &c wh: con. 1b Conveyances wh: con 1c Conveyances of Chattles and of Rights therein wh: of 1d The general Nature of conveyances of chattle 2d Forms of conveyance of chattles (called Bill or ) most fre— quently in use. Graydon Forms 77 &c V.C. 103. S. 9. Id Ch. 121.S.2. 2c Conveyances of lands & of Rights connected there— with wh. con. 1[d] conveyance of lands by matter in pais wh: con: 1e Persons capable of conveying and of receiving conveyance of lands. 2 Bl com. 288 &c V.C. Ch. 121. S 4 &c. 2e Nature of the instru— ments for the convey— ance of lands wh: consider 1f Principles which at common law regulated the conveyance of lands. Lands as to the immediate freehold lay "in livery" only & not "in grants." But no writing required.

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2f Modification of {the [covenant] by} Satute of the common law. Principle of con— veying lands wh con. 1g Stat of uses— 2g Hen XIII V.C. Ch. 116. S. 14. 2g Stat of frauds &c 29 Char 4 as to conveyances V.C. Ch. 116 S.1. As to certain parol contracts see V.C. Ch 143. As to [Wills] see Id. Ch 122 3g Stat 8&9 Victoria V.C. Ch. 116.S.4. 4g Stats of Regis— try. V.C. Ch 118.S.3 &c Id Ch 121.S.1 to 3 &c. 3e The usual & orderly parts of a conveyance of land 2 Bl com 298 &c 2 Lomax Dig 205 &c 4 Kents Com 460 &c wh con 1f Premises 2f Habendum 3f Terrendum 4f Reddenduum 5f Conditions 6f Warrants of {Title} Title. No Warranty of Title [was] implied unless there is a a Reversion in the grantor wh. con.

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1g Ancient Warranty & therein of 1h Form of Ancient Warranty Constituted only by the word "Warrantizeable" Anglice. Will warranty 2h Several sorts of ancient Warranty Wherein con 1i Lineal Warranty When warranty descends in the same line with lands i.e. from the same ancestor. 2i Collateral Warranty where warranty descends in a different line from the lands viz in a line collateral thereto i.e. from a different ancestor. [sketch of hand pointing right] Statutes modifying effect of collateral warranty in Eng— land & 1st Stat of Glouchester 6. Edward I as to tenants by the Courtesy 2nd Stat 13 Edw. I as to Estates Tail 3rd Stat 11 Hen VII as to Tenants in Dower 4th Stat 4&5 Ann as to all tenants for life & 5th Stat 3&4 Wm IV as to

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