Council Minutes Book E






Last edit almost 6 years ago by ah4gzelda


COUNCIL CHAMBER, September 25, 1916.

The Common Council, elected at the special election held for that purpose on September 20, 1916. met on this date at 8 o'clock P. M., being the date prescribed by law for the beginning of the term of the said Council.

CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION The Clerk read the certificate of election of the councilmen from the Clerk of the Corporation and upon the roll being called the following were found to be present: ROLL Messrs. W. T. Elliott, W. M. Forrest, J. E. Gleason, W. E. Graves, W. F. Souder, Jr., W. F. Long, F. W. Twyman and N. T. Wingfield.

The Clerk then called the meeting to order and proceeded with the organization of the body resulting in the election of the following officers:

PRESIDENT VICE. PRES. CLERK President, W. F. Souder, Jr.; Vice President, Dr. W. M. Forrest; Clerk, E. I. Carruthers.

TIME FOR REGULAR MEETINGS. The second Thursday in each month, at the hour as prescribed by ordinance, was fixed as the day and time for the regular meeting of the Common Council.

SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SALARIES. On motion a committee consisting of Messrs. Twyman, Gleason and Elliott, was appointed by the President to meet with a committee to be appointed by the Board of Aldermen to consider and recommend to a joint meeting of the two bodies the salaries to be paid city officials to be elected at said joint meeting.

REFERRED. A communication was received from His Honor, the Mayor, calling attention to the indefiniteness of the Sunday laws, and asking that an ordinance be prepared to remedy said defect. The matter was referred to the Ordinance Committee.

SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE NEW ORDINANCE FOR CITY MANAGER. On motion a committee consisting of Messrs. Graves and Gleason was appointed to co-operate with a committee from the Board of Aldermen to draft a proper ordinance providing for the election of a City Engineer or a commissioner of public utilities to supersede the office of Business Manager; such ordinance to define his duties, compensation, etc.

TABERNACLE PERMIT GRANTED. Application of the Building Committee of the General Committee on Arrangements for the Gypsy Smith meeting for permit to erect a frame tabernacle on the Hilleary lots on Altamont for the purpose of holding a meeting from October 8th to 30th, was granted, provided the consent of the adjacent property owners and the local board of underwriters was gotten, and provided further that said building would be removed at the expiration of five weeks from the beginning of the meeting.

On motion the meeting then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder, Jr., President

Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp



COUNCIL CHAMBER, September 27, 1916.

A special meeting of the Council was held on this date to consider amendment to City Code relative to appointment of standing committees, the annual budget and reconsideration of permit granted for erection of tabernacle.

There were present Messrs. Ellliott, Forrest, Gleason, Graves, Long, Souder, Twyman and Wingfield.

IN RE APPOINTMENT AND NUMBER OF STANDING COMMITTEES. The resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen at a meeting September 26th providing for an ordinance to be drawn defining the number of standing committees and the manner of their appointment, duties, etc., was concurred in.

REFERRED. Mr. Long offered an amendment to Sec. 12 of the City Code entitled Standing Committees; how appointed; expenditures of, which was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

TABERNACLE PERMIT. On motion it was Resolved, That the permit granted for the erection of the tabernacle be reconsidered.

The permit was then reconsidered and granted provided the written consent of all of the adjacent property owners be had in writing and also the written consent of the Local Board of Underwriters

BUDGET. The annual budget was presented, read and referred to the Finance Committee.

The meeting then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder, Jr., President.

COUNCIL CHAMBER, September 29, 1916.

A special meeting of the Council was held on the date with the following members present; Messers. Elliott, Forrest, Gleason, Long, Souder, Twyman and Wingfield.

APPLICATION H. E. YOUNG & CO FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT WITH CITY SEWER. The purpose of the meeting was to consider application of the H. E. Young & Co. for sewer connection: to consider ordinance governing appointment of committees and to consider request of Business Manager to be relieved of his duties after Friday, October 6, 1916.

Application of H. E. Young & Co. for permit to connect with city sewer line was presented, considered and referred to Water Committee and City Attorney with power to act, and the Mayor was authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the city if the Water Committee and City Attorney acted favorably in the matter.

RESIGNATION OF A. V. CONWAY, BUSINESS MANAGER, ACCEPTED. The resignation of A. V. Conway, Business Manager, was presented to take effect October 6th, which was accepted with thanks for his remaining in the office until this time. His compensation to be at the rate of $100. per month from Sep. 1st.

MAYOR TO TAKE OVER DUTIES OF BUSINESS MANAGER FOR PRESENT. The Mayor was authorized to take over the duties of the office of Business Manager for thirty days, or until such time as a Business Manager is secured, and also he is further authorized to employ a stenographer at a salary not to exceed $40. per month.

ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 12. CITY CODE An Ordinance amending section 12 of the City Code, entitled Standing Committees; how appointed; expenditures of; presented at the last meeting and referred, was called, placed upon its passage and unanimously adopted. (See Ordinance Book).

The meeting then adjourned.

E. I Carruthers, Clerk W. F. Souder, Jr., President

Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp



COUNCIL CHAMBER, October 12, 1916.

The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was held on this date with the following members present: Messrs. Elliott, Forrest, Gleason, Graves, Long, Souder, Twyman and Wingfield.

The minutes of the meeting of the Council of September 14th were read and approved. Minutes of the meeting of the Common Council were passed by as the Clerk had not received the new record books.

IN RE. SUP'T. GAS. The action of the Board of Aldemen at a meeting September 26th instructing the Gas Committee to have the Superintendent of the Gas installed in an office in the City Hall so soon as room could be had for him, was concurred in.

SALARY OF JUDGE OF CORPORATION COURT. The action of the Board of Aldermen in the matter of the salary of the Judge of the Corporation Court at its meeting on September 26th, was concurred in.

H. E. YOUNG & CO. WATER LINE. The action of the Board of Aldermen in the matter of appropriation of $3,400. for the purpose of furnishing H. E. Young & Co. with water, etc., at its meeting on September 26th, was concurred in.

REFERRED. Applications of sundry persons for positions with the city were referred to the proper committees.

REFERRED. Petition of residents in vicinity of Little High and 12th Streets East for an arc light to be placed at the intersection of said streets, was referred to the Gas & Light Committee with power to act.

HEALTH. The report of the Health Officer for September showed the health of the City good.

IN RE. W. U. TEL. CO. SIGN. Petition of Western Union Telegraph Company for permit to erect a Flexlume electric sign in front of its place of business, was referred to the Street Committee with power to act.

T. A. BROWN GAS TANK. Application of T. A. Brown for permit to erect a gasoline tank at his place of business on Monticello Road, was referred to Street Committee with power to act.

The following, offered by Dr. Forrest, was unanimously adopted:

IN RE. DISTRIBUTION TAXES FROM ANNEXED TERRITORY. RESOLVED, That the Mayor, after consultation with the City Attorney be, and hereby is requested to take up with the proper officials of Albemarle County the matter of the expenditure for the current fiscal year of the taxes assessed by said county upon the property within the territory recently annexed to the City, and to take all possible steps, by process of law or otherwise, to have said taxes expended for the schooling of the children, the improvement of the roads, and all other costs heretofore covered out of the taxes collected by Albemarle County from the territory recently annexed to this City.

The following, offered by Mr. Gleason, was unanimously adopted;

IN RE. F. J. PAOLI. RESOLVED, That a sum not to exceed $50. per month be and is hereby appropriated to be expended under direction of Committee on Public Safety to care for F. J. Paoli, one of the City's Volunteer Firemen, injured at a recent fire; to be paid from the Incidental Account.

The following resolution from the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce was communicated to the Common Council;

FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce do hereby heartily approve of creating the office of City Engineer and the fulfilment of such office by a thoroughly competent man.

IN RE. CEMETERY. A communication from the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce calling attention to the need of better cemetery facilities was presented and referred to the Cemetery Committee.

REFERRED. A communication from the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce calling attention to the dangerous condition by reason of the narrow street where Lexington Street meets East High Street, was presented and referred to the Street Committee for investigation and report.

TAX ORDINANCE AND BUDGET. The annual Tax Ordinance and Budget was called, placed upon its passage and unanimously adopted. (See Ordinance Book.)

Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp



DEED TO SECTION IN OAKWOOD FOR MRS. MALLORY. The attention of the Council was called to the fact that Mrs. J. M. Mallory had never received a deed to her section in Oakwood Cemetery, whereupon the Mayor was authorized to execute a deed to Mrs. Mallory for her section.

On motion the Council then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder, Jr., President.

COUNCIL CHAMBER, October 16, 1916. A special meeting of the Council was held on this date at 5 o'clock P. M. to reconsider application of Young & Co. for sewer connection.

There were present Messrs. Elliott, Forrest, Gleason, Graves, Long, Souder and Wingfield.

IN RE. SEWER CONNECTION FOR YOUNG & CO. At the meeting of the Common Council October 12th the Water Committee to whom had been referred the matter of application of H. E. Young & Co. for sewer connection with the city sewer main for purpose of disposing of their waste water from extract plant, reported a form of the proposed agreement with said Young & Co. by which the city was to be paid an annual sum of $150. for the privilege of making the connection. The agreement was discussed at said meeting by a member of the H. E. Young & Co. who stated that the contract as drawn would not be satisfactory to his company, whereupon the Common Council passed the matter by.

The matter was called up for reconsideration, being generally discussed by the members and also a member of the firm of Young & Co. whereupon Mr. Long offered a motion which was unanimously adopted, and which will be found spread at length on the Ordinance Book #1.

The meeting was then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder, Jr., President.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp
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