the Hotel & tried to sleep but it was [noisy &]
over heated & the kids coughed alternately!
I still had found no flat & no boarding-
house so we went down to the cafeteria
& created a sensation! among the staff but
had a delicious breakfast & a quick one &
were on our way looking for a private Hotel
by 10. Mrs. Baines called one up at 9 &
insisted upon our going up to her house
bag & baggage, I told her I valued her
friendship too much!! so I'm going to
lunch next week instead. Then Aunt Grace
telephoned & invited me to a Bridle on Friday.
& then we trailed off up to Bloor St. & got a
room with 2 double beds in it for $35.00
a week for the 4 of us including meals, bathroom
next to us! very reasonable I call it. We are
next door to the York Club & opposite the new
Arena! Lovely garden view out of our east window.
That was 11.30 by the time that was settled
then I went to the Bank & found I had $32.00
there & there was $73.00 in my D.A. Daddy must
have given me a very big xmas present-
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