thinks Ivanoff would have done something more for others had the plan
hatched. Now thres no fear of anything like that while ChangTsoLin holds
The powers have taken over the defence of the Russian Legation wall too -
Troops from the various Legations just walked in and occupied the place
while notes were sent to the Soviet Consul that they would not enter the
Embassy proper! Great stuff it is and condusive to peace. The British
notice re Peitaiho has cheered up a lot of people too - there is not
cause to worry at all about the situation here darling - if things go
bust we will all have ample warning and a place to go - and being just
me and not you me and the kittens makes me a very mobile entity. Really
sweetheart mine I mean it - there is not the slightest cause to worry
about my safety so please remember that Bluey B - Im lonely and mad at
these dashed fools for making it advisable for you to leave but outside
that Im perfectly ok. I am going out to Grabaus to dinner tonight - Granger
Nelson et al - and AWG says he has finished the Pontain map of Palasia
that I have been wanting so badly! That will provide data for the working
out of migration routes that we didnt have when I wrote my fairy story.
On Monday Ting is giving a farewell dinner for Andersson - oh I remember
I said that on Thursday! The Meleneys have taken the Howards quarters
in The Hayes-Mead house so I told Mrs M that if she needed anything of
the stuff you left there to go to it as I knew you would be glad to have
it useful - incidentally that made her by implication responsible for it!!
I have a copy of your Vogue on my desk which went to Miss Worthington
by mistake - I shall send it on to you. I am writing the Vogue people to
sent it to you care of Irving - so when you get settled you can writh
and tell em where to send it and meanwhile you will not be deprived of
it altogether. How I wish I knew how and where you are today darling - it
will be the middle of may before I can get a letter!! I have at last got
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