arrangements to evacuate people from Chingwantow if the occasion demands.
So if things keep on as they are Heine plans to get RSG to collect Carol
and the kids and bring em to PTH towards the end of next month when he
comes through Japan. RSG comes back on the Canadas next trip sailing from
Vancouver on Apr 28 if they keep to schedule. Theres no mail going out
for some days so I will keep this in my desk and chat again later - Good
night darling - Vescor and Mizpah........
Sunday APRIL 24
It is Spring! and I enclose a priceless gem of a pome
on the subject that I spoke about in one of my earlier letters - its the
bees knees eh? Gosh that was a wail last Thursday!!! I sure was feeling
low and then some! Vescor darling and I am much better today praises be.
Its 5.15 and I have just finished my letter to mater and there has blown
up a typical spring duststorm - its so dark I shall have to light the
lights soon though it stays light enough for work these days usually till
7. Heine, Dunlap and Branch are out in the Western Hills - hope they dont
smother. I had to go to the Fergusons for luncheon which in a misguided
moment I accepted for 1 today. Wakened at 12.20 and couldnt work in any
eats except coffee - never no more at 1 on Sunday! But it was a nice of
Mrs. F to think of me - she sent all kinds of nice messages to you and the
kids. I really screwed up my courage for going because on does get such
interestin gossip there! I did too for John Hays was there and he had
been mixed up somehow in the Soviet Embassy raid enquiry and he told me
he had seen documents proving without doubt that April [29] was the day set
for the Nanking-day in Peking - full plans and arrangements for every
Hutung in Peking! He said he couldnt understand Ivanoffs having anything
to do with such a plan but it was true - Ivanoff is a special pal of the
Hays and their kids are great chums - Ivanoff had invited the Hayes
family to the Russial Legation for The Day! - or he had spoken of doing
so or something like that so John was feeling better in his mind and
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