Midnight in the laboratory
Thursday April 21st 1027
Little sweetheart I want you sosirbfhd357' )$_*!- the wind is howling
outside and the dust is swirling and the lab is still and lonely - and
this is the day you are due to reach Toronto!! I wonder how you managed
and where you are and if you went to the Queens as you planned and got
a rest and a bath and put the kids to bed for a while before you telephoned
Ive worked my bloomin head off this bally day but I just can keep away
that lonely sinking feelin with you so far away with the kittens little
wife - Ive just finished the last of my north china crania measurements
and tomorrow I hope to finish the jaws thereof so that the end of this
week will see the summaries begun for that lot - and next week the b
beginning of the prehistoric lot. Ting has asked me to a farewell dinner
for Andersson on Monday next "dinner intime" - Anderson, Hedin, Granger,
Nelson, Wong, JSLee, Ting and me - it should be a nice party but I cant
work up any enthusiasm for anything just now. Im going to the Ying in a
few minutes and ink in the records I have done today and then to bed
which will get me there about 2+ at this rate. The Maxwells gave a luncheon
today with quite a gang - all sent love to you and the kids and were
asking after you and how you fared on the trip to Yokohama. I have cancelled
my lecture for the Things Chines society - fed up on sich and dont
intend to talk in public on our plans for work again - if we go wo gg
and talk after and if we dont it will not be because of a bunch of half
baked fools calling themselves the Union of Peking Scientists! Ting Wong
Teilhard and I plan to go to Chou Kou Tien next Tuesday for the day to
see how Bohlin is getting on - also I plan to give Mrs. B a trip own
there by auto for a day towards the beginning of May - it should cheer
them both up and make for better work. The British Legation have sent
notices out that they will make Peitaiho a refuge place and make
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