



Status: Incomplete



On the 14th a tungshi man came to the Ying with two pairs of earrings
for you - I clean forgot to get his card so dont know who he is yet! He
said you had ordered them and they were $1.50 each ^I did not pay - just [?] it in the book he had - seed pears, coral and
green jade in a long string effect - do you remember them? We are in the
rotten position of having no parcel post service for an indefinite time.
All the parcels I sent including Mrs. Douglass lanterns are returned and
await resumption of service. I got Hogg to write the Postal Commissioner
on the subject and the latter a sures us it wont be long till its resumed
He says Shanghai is so bulging with undelivered mail that they have to
curtail a bit til they get even with things. I shall send the earrings
to you with the lantern base etc when the sending resooms. Had a very
delightful and characteristic letter from Gov yesterday under March 3rds
date saying they would be delighted to have a visit from amah and the
kids telling me all about where I could go if I said another word
about a "Biz arrangement"! He said Grace echoed the sentiments though in
a more graceful manner - Said they had been visited by the nephews and
nieces of the other side of the family oft but with no mention of biz
and damin me generally for the idee of biz in such a connection - bless
their hearts they mean it and I hope you will send the kids and amah -
twould do em good all round. Gov said for the insult I d have to buy him
a bottle of Scoth and drink it with him out at his house when I got home
Gosh I wish I had the work done well that remains to be done before I can
make more than nebulous plans for homecoming! Darling ....this is a hell
of a country I agree but the dashed place holds the key to big things,..
but the price is proportionately big. I must not drewll on that topic or
Ill bust! I also had a very dear letter from mater of March 6 date
yesterday. She had just got mine of Jan 30 telling of HMM first steps. She
also hed just got a wire from NY from Roger saying Peking quiet no ^present cause
for anxiety - almose within 24 hrs of when it left Peking! Dashed nice

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