



Status: Incomplete

seems as if all the support we hoped for will eventuate. Dudley Buxton
writes from Oxford that he has been asked to review my spiels in the
JourRoyAnthropInst but that he cant say whether or not it will be good
or bad as he hasnt written it yet. He has snaffled the new Gibraltar skull
to describe which is a splendid piece of luck and well deserved. Further
our Institute plans are fermentin and it sure looks like as if we could
make real hard liker soon! Which brings me to the point of mentionin me
deep quiet contented joy over the results of the Ontario elections - I
knew that there was a large body of sensible people at home who would
express their opinion in no uncertain terms sooner or later and its the
time to do it now. It will have a very interesting and important influence
on the next presidential ellection in the States. If they can get back
light wines and beers m the us they will be fixed but Im afraid the dashed fools
of prohibitionists will make it necessary to vote wet or dry and that will
bring back the hard likker to. Its good in its place but the lighter stuff
would do the trick if theyd let it I do be thinkin. Your dear extravagant
box of chocs arrived safe and sound on Jan 5th - my word theyre nice!!!
Theyre in front of me now - wont you join me??!! As for the political
siruation dont worry - Theres a chap in command in the Yangtze area who
evidently has a head on his shoulders the way he has handled the delicate
situation in Hankow this last week, If wed used force as they were trying
to make us do then the devil and all would be to pay. No we dont want force
till the powers are all in agreement and then if necessary we should use
it in no half measures. But theres a good chance that such drastic action
will never be needed if the situation is handled right. May that happen!
Its the reverse of Boxer days for tis the south that was quiet then. It may
sound a bit fussy to one at home but please dont worry for theres a heap
of good sense left in China though you mightnt notice it in press
dispatches. Bishops men have just got their stuff to Peking from the Shansi
area in which they have worked this fall and he had a dinner last week with
a report of progressParty didnt break up till 2.30. Adena and 8 girls in to
brideg that night and I attended to the majority under the mistletoe before
I had to leave - jolly gang. Then she and I talked till after 3 when I got
home. Must run along and dress for dinner dear wee honey-o Good night dear
God bless and keep you and make you well. Heaps of love from us four. Bestest
toGG&kidsASAGUJex39itesBeaStCsetal BBSOCYK HOL YAS Dyo

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