Nov 14th 1757 Opinion as to sending the bomb-ketches out - not knowing but bombs might be thrown into Rochelle - Accordingly Sir Edward sent for them also? - another circumstance in regard to sending for the pilot of the Magnanime who would inform Sir Edward if there was depth of water sufficient to carry a ship up to Fouras - From the low opinion I had of the Fort a 40 or 50 gun ship might at least annoy the Fort - so as to give an opportunity of landing - Sir E. then seemd inclined to the attack of Fouras & mention'd the Barfleur as a ship he intended to employ - talk'd of doing it the next morning & appear'd very keen & warm about it. On the next day Sir. E. H. did send for the pilot of the Magnanime & examin'd him - but I was not present - I spoke to the pilot myself that morning (but am not certain whether it was before or after his being examined by Sir Edward) & ask'd him, whether he cou'd carry a ship up to Fouras? The pilots answer was, either he cou'd (or believ'd he cou'd) take the Magnanime within 1/2 a mile of Fouras & indeed
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