



Status: Complete

Evidence at the 1st Enquiry.

Nov 12th Attended at Judge Advocates Office where was assembled a meeting of Gen'l Officers appointed to enquire into the causes of the failure of the late expedition - These were:

Lt. Gen'l the Duke of Marlborough; Major Gen'l Lord George Sackville & Major G. Waldegrave -

The first day's sitting taken up w'h reading letters and papers - after which was heard Sir John Mordaunt's statement which he read out at length & then the meeting adjourn'd till the

14th Reading of Sir J. M's narrative resumed - At its close ensued a discussion on the point of Admiral Brodrick's letter to Sir. J. M. referring to the night of the 28th Sept. in which the Adm'l very distinctly stated that the generals are come to a resolution not to land to-ight, but to wait till daylight when they can have a full view of the ground where they are to land "- All this consider'd most injurious - as also for Sir J. Mordaunt's

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