49.040 - ALS to Fran

ALS to Fran, sister of Edward. Describes reading her letter to other soldiers nearby who’d been expecting letters and hadn’t received them, searching for his brother Reg.




Mrs. Francis B. McMulkin 122 Indian Road. Toronto Canada

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards


France. Tuesday, April 16/18

My dear Fran. -

Just a line to let you know that I am feeling O.K.

I received my first letter yesterday and it was one of yours which had been forwarded on to me. I certainly was glad to get it. It was the only letter that arrived in the hut and I asked if anybody wanted to read a letter. A couple of fellows who were expecting letters took advantage of the offer. I guess they thought it was from some girl or other though.

I have been trying to locate Reg the last few nights but I believe he is up the line. I will find him one of these days though.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards


I will be going up to my battalion one of these days. At present they keep us busy on working parties and training. Things are a good deal more comfortable for me way out here now.

Well, Fran Cherrio. Write often. Best love to Aut and Stan and everybody in Toronto.

Your loving Bro, Ted.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards
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