49.036 - ALS to Fran

ALS to Fran, sister of Edward. Describes being back in the hospital with rheumatism, parties for Christmas and New Years, visiting with people from the Canadian Red Cross, going to the movies.




[unclear] Hospital Wed. Dec. 8/17

My dear Fan -

I received your letter this morning and I certainly was glad to get it. It certainly was a fine long letter and you seem to be having quite a fine time in Toronto. I am glad that you are well and sorry to hear that Frank has a cold, but hope that it will be better soon.

I am feeling much better now and am up and around. My rheumatism is bad some days but as long as I keep warm it does not bother me much.

I have had a fairly good time this Christmas and New Years considering the circumstances. A good many of the fellows in France certainly must have had worse. The people around here tried to give us a good time and we had concerts, dances, and card parties. I have not met many people because not many

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards


people call here.

Mrs. Lowe the lady who represents the Can Red Cross has been very nice to me and I have been at her house two or three times. She certainly has a grand place and I wish you could see it. She gave us the finest Christmas box. It must have cost her $5.00 each. She is always sending down flowers or something. The husband is a manufacturing chemist. I am going to try and get a day in Manchester. I went to the "movies" yesterday with the matron's cousin and saw Mary P. in "Such a little Queen". It certainly was fine.

Well Fannie I think I will close for now and write me often. Best love to Frank and all the other people in Toronto and yourself.

Your loving Brother Ted.

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards
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