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2 revisions
leesa at Oct 18, 2021 04:18 PM


[p. 116], [F8597_0119]

No. 198 Soup Maigre Mrs. B. Bullock
Take some Lettuce, a little celery, onions, parsley, thyme, 3 or 4 cucumbers, 2 Endives, A little winter savoy, sweet marjoram with old green peas to your quantity & let it stew 1 hour to be very tender, then press it thro' a seive, then put it in the stew pan with a 1/4 lb Butter, let it boil up put salt to your taste, stwe some of the heart of lettuce, the best of a little celery 2 cucumbers cut in little pieces the inside taken out 1 onion, about a pint young green peas let it stew 1 1/2 hours together, don't let it burn, add a little boiling water to Keep it from burning & a little Butter when tender put it to the other soup & let it all boil a little together, then serve it up with toasted bread cut in it

No. 199 Cough
2 large spoonsful oil of sweet almonds, do syrup of Ton, one of Elixir paregonic, 40 drops of harbborn in a six phial filled with cold soft water.

No. 200 Mahogany
1 pint of cold drawn Linseed oil, 4º worth of Alknet Root, two penntworth of Rose pink, mix them cold together, rub some of the mixture on the tables with a linen rag, let it lay on about one day & one night then with a clean soft cloth rub it off again, thus by constantly doing then you will find on them a gloss as fine as glass, they must be done for a month every other day, always to rub them dry & then put on the mixture, 3 days would turn it to glue & spoil the table before you use them rub them with a little oil or Vinegar.

No. 201 Blacking Balls.
4 ozs Beeswax 3 ozs soft soap put it into a saucepan & melt them well together add Ivory black 2 or 3 ounces & then make it into balls.


[p. 116], [F8597_0119]

No. 198 Soup Maigre Mrs. B. Bullock
Take some Lettuce, a little celery, onions, parsley, thyme, 3 or 4 cucumbers, 2 Endives, A little winter savoy, sweet marjoram with old green peas to your quantity & let it stew 1 hour to be very tender, then press it thro' a seive, then put it in the stew pan with a 1/4 lb Butter, let it boil up put salt to your taste, stwe some of the heart of lettuce, the best of a little celery 2 cucumbers cut in little pieces the inside taken out 1 onion, about a pint young green peas let it stew 1 1/2 hours together, don't let it burn, add a little boiling water to Keep it from burning & a little Butter when tender put it to the other soup & let it all boil a little together, then serve it up with toasted bread cut in it

No. 199 Cough
2 large spoonsful oil of sweet almonds, do syrup of Ton, one of Elixir paregonic, 40 drops of harbborn in a six phial filled with cold soft water.

No. 200 Mahogany
1 pint of cold drawn Linseed oil, 4º worth of Alknet Root, two penntworth of Rose pink, mix them cold together, rub some of the mixture on the tables with a linen rag, let it lay on about one day & one night then with a clean soft cloth rub it off again, thus by constantly doing then you will find on them a gloss as fine as glass, they must be done for a month every other day, always to rub them dry & then put on the mixture, 3 days would turn it to glue & spoil the table before you use them rub them with a little oil or Vinegar.

No. 201 Blacking Balls.
4 ozs Beeswax 3 ozs soft soap put it into a saucepan & melt them well together add Ivory black 2 or 3 ounces & then make it into balls.