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[p.101], [F8597_0103a]

428 Hambors' Pickle Mrs Browne (s)
into 187 [notes crossed out] 4 gallons water 6 lbs Salt 1/2 lb brown sugar 4 ozs Saltpetre Boil it well strain it when cold put in the Beef Mutton Pork or Tripe Keep the meat covered with the brine & in 9 or 10 days it will be fit for use or continue it longer it will keep in pickle two or three months tho' the pickle must be boiled up & skimmed well at the end of 6 weeks it willkeep good for three months & in winter longer.

429 Stewed Breast Veal.
Make a rich gravy of Veal & Beef seasoned with allspice cloves a bunch of herbs an eschalot & a little islinglass pepper & salt to ? strain it & let it stand till cold. Fry your veal put it into a saucepan with a couple of bay leaves let it stew till tender a squeeze of lemon a little white wine Butter & flour to thicken it a few mushrooms & a little of the ketchup serve with force meat balls & eggs balls.
Force meat balls made of Bread suet thyme & parsley an eschalot some meat cayenne lemon peel nutmeg & mixed with an egg & a little flour fried a light brown & added to the stew 1 hour before serving.

430 Spiced Beef.
1 oz Saltpetre 1 oz Sal prunel 6 ozs brown sugar & as much Salt as you think necessary lying 3 weeks (turning daily). before you send it to bake rub it with cloves & mace of each 1/4 oz pounded bind it with a roller put as much water into the pan as will rise level with the top of the beef covering the top with beef suet chopped let it remain in gracy to grow cold after it is baked.

431 Fumigation Dr. Griffiths
A saucer full of chloride & Lime to be placed in a wash board basin from a common glass full mof Sulphuric acid (oil of Vitriol) in it. Close up all apertures in room. 1862

432 Cough
2? brine 2? Elixir 2?the Honey. a small wine glass full of lemon juice. 1 teaspoonful when the cough is troublesome.

433 Hooping Cough.
Powdered alum. 12 powders pf - grains. 1 twice daily in 1/2 wine glass of water. 1? for 1 year 2 ? for 2 years & so on

434 Gargle Dr Griffiths. 1860
1/2 pint water large teaspoonful powdered alum & a ? spoonful tincture myrrh.

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