Book of Recipes



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Last edit 6 months ago by University of Toronto Libraries
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To make ink

Take one quart of white wine (or Snow water or Rain Water) put it into a Bottle with 4 ounses of Nutgalls grosly beaten, let them stand four dayes, often Stiring them; Then put in two Ounses of Copporas & two Ounses of Gum Arrabeck

To make Red Salve

Take eight ounces of Emplastrum Gretium pia

Last edit 11 months ago by courtney.lundrigan
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To preserve Goosboruies Pick and stone yd Goosboruies And to halfe a pound of Goosboruies take halfe a pound of Sugar, and about [ond] Spoonfull or two of water, Set them on a quick fire, & as they turn [elbar] pick them out into Glasses, And for yd jelly you must take as many Goosboruies as you think will [sorud] & cover them over with Water and let them boil [on] over a quick fire as fast as it is possible, Then strain [Hone] [His rough hassoullon] Bagg [chin] to a pint of this jelly better [Hun] those quarters of a pound of Sugar, Let it boil on a quick fire till it will jelly.

To make Jam of Cherries To a pound of Cherries take a pound & a half of Sugar, A quarter of a pound of yd juice of [red Curarus] put all togeher and let them Guild till you think it boil thick enough, keeping it with stirring and taking and some of this stones as it Boils, then put it into pots [or glasses]

To preserve Damazins To four pound of Damazins, take four pounds of loaf sugar & four pints of water put yd Sugar into the water and let it boil till it go the collour of [Alowart ] then put into it three good handfulls of Damazins and let them boil in the water till they [handcoulr] it then take them out, then put in [tho'] four pounds & let them boil Leisurely for a while taking off [tho] [cleum] as it [risoth] Then take them from [y] five & lay them in a stone Dish, one by one, and put in yd Syrup on them, letting them stand and [truvod ayer] & nights, then give them one boil then take out & let yd Syrop boil

Last edit 11 months ago by HollyBenison
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