




Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Allen Clifford E. Plaintiff Dolores Martinez Allen 110961
Alford Barbara Louise Plaintiff Jerry Allen Alford 110977
Alverson Aubrey H. Plaintiff Newman C Petty 110990
Allen Co. Plaintiff Glenn M. Johnson et al 111354
Alexander T.J. Plaintiff David J. Hogan 111405
Alexander T.j. Plaintiff Howard S. Stevens 111406
Allen Mary Olson Plaintiff Max leon Allen 111531
Allred J. Arden Plaintiff Universal C.I.T. CR. Corpn. 111397
Allred Rosemary Coward Plaintiff Allen Devon Allred 111903
Albretsen Ernie Plaintiff General Cr. co. 113026
Alexander Theodore eral Plaintiff Peoples Fin & Thrift 113062
Allen Bruce Plaintiff American Block Co 113081
Alunite Corp. of Utah Plaintiff Edward T. Leonard 113240
Alley J.S. Dr. et al Plaintiff Pioneer Finace cropn 113271
Allen A.E. Plaintiff Frank H Donge 113350
Alunite Corpn. Plaintiff Hyrum Feed & Seed co. 113650
Alldridge Opal Marchant Plaintiff James Alldrige 113923
Allen Morris Plaintiff Union Pacific RR CO 113952
Allard Michael B. ect Plaintiff Homer De W Williams 113990
Allard Lode M. et al Plaintiff Homer Deworth Williams 113991
Albert Ramond & Assoc. Plaintiff The Eimco Co. 114230
Allen AJ Plaintiff Marie Allen 114267
Allen Betty S. Plaintiff Samuel M. Allen 114344
Allred Ernest Plaintiff Robert B. Wakefield, ect. 114349
Allied Materials Co. Plaintiff N.N. sugarman, ect. etal 114365
Alsterlind Donna Adm. of the Estate of Marie S. Otten deceased Plaintiff George Kohles 114400
Atlman Floyd Plaintiff Internat'l Bros. of elec. workers 114447
Albertsons Food Center Plaintiff Lynn Williams, et al 114570
Almy Donna Gee Plaintiff Bruce Almy 114637
Allied Material Co. Plaintiff Quo Vadis mines& Arthur Davidson 115486
Alexander Hamilton Institute Plaintiff Clarence H. Siddoway 115582
Albrand Darlene Plaintiff John Ross Albrand 115895
Allen Darlene Viola Plaintiff Raymond Leroy Allen 115965
Aldrige Clifford E. Plaintiff Oscar R Hepply 115998
Allred John A. et ux Plaintiff William L. Reece et ux 116009
Isco of Utah, ect Plaintiff Emil R. Andrus et al 116247
Allen Ledawn Plaintiff Nephi Peter Neilsen 116278
Alder Patricia Jeanne Plaintiff Alfred William Alder 116460
Alexander T.J. Plaintiff Robbin R. Hansen 116576
Allen Ida M. Plaintiff Jack Allen 116599
Allied Acc Corpn Plaintiff Owen H. Hall 116804
Allen Alger James Defendant Golda Allen 111253
Allred Earl Defendant Velma Allred 111262
Allen Golda Defendant Alger James Allen 111253
Allred Velma Defendant Earl Allred 111262
Allen Melba R. Defendant Edward G. Allen 111577
Allen EL et ux Defendant Mtn. fuel sup. co. 111614
Alled Boyd C. et ux Defendant F.J. Cook, et al 111511
Allen Max Leon Defendant Mary Olson Allen 111531
Allem Edward G. Defendant Melba R. Allem 111577
Allred Alled Devon Defendant Rosemary Cloward Allred 111903
Alexander Theodore J. Defendant Irene Schoppe Alexander 111903
Allan Annie M. Defendant A.H. Hougaard 113018
Albretsen Ernie Defendant Audrey Bushnell, et al 113428
Allen Bruce E. Defendant Commission of fin. of Utah 113471
Allen Harold T. Defendant Richard L. Bird jr. 114210
Allen Samuel M. Defendant Betty S. Allen 114344
Almy Bruce Defendant Donna Lee Almy 114637
Allred Martin et al Defendant George O. Sullins Jr. 114875
Alexander KP Defendant Utah Gas Service co. 114920
Allen Bruce E. ect etal Defendant L.J. Askee ect. 115264
Alexander Theodore J. etal Defendant Lumbermans Mutual Casualty co. 115262
Allen Bruce E. etal Defendant City Fin. Corpn. 115312
Allred John A. etc Defendant Electrical Pro. Consol 115385
Allred William S. etal Defendant Ralph G. Pahnke 114418
Allen Bruce E. Defendant Plastic Pro. Co. 115443
Allred John ect Defendant South east Furn. Co. 115516
Alexander James L. et al Defendant Theodore A. Dennison et al 115517
Allred John A. et ux Defendant Bart Aspiagu 115589
Allred Melvin B. Defendant Genevieve W. Allred 115643
Allen Edward Eugene et ux Defendant Nat'l Fin. of Utah 115728
Albertsons Food Center, ect. Defendant W.L. Murray 116261
Alder Alfred William Defendant Patricia Jeanne Alder 116460
Alder Child Construction Co. Defendant Ellis J. Robinson etal 116557
Allen Jack Defendant Ida M. Allen 116599
Alserda Pete Defendant Wheeler General Tire Co. 117040
Aldredge Minor Defendant Michael Flores, aminor by Jean Flores, His Gdn. 117061
Allred John A. et ux Defendant Coninental Bank 117709
Allgood Earnest Jr. Defendant Vera Hambleton Allgood 117769
Alsop Rodney E. Defendant Lillian E. Keddington 117745
Allsop Rodney E. Defendant Lillian R. Keddington 117745
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller


Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Aldredge Carol Jean Plaintiff Bill H. Aldredge 117493
Allgood Earnest Jr. Plaintiff Vera Hambleton Allgood 117769
Allen Faye Royce Plaintiff Edward Eugene Allen 118107
Allied Distribution Corpn. Plaintiff L.G. Dewey 118619
Allison Elaine Anne Foster Plaintiff Duane Don Foster 118868
Allred Kathleen Plaintiff Daniel D. Allred 118712
Allstate Ins. Co. Plaintiff Walter E. Kuefner 118501
Allred Craig Plaintiff Norene Jones Greene 122143
Allison Duane Don Plaintiff Elaine Ann Foster Allison 118868
Allen Max L. Plaintiff Dorthy Ann King 122420
Allen Ida Irene Cozza Springer Plaintiff Jas. Stephen 122689
Allred Jean Marie Plaintiff Joseph Dow Allred 122714
Allred Shieley B. Plaintiff Max E. Allred 122789
Alliance Mutual Casualty Co. Plaintiff Melvin G. London 122859
Allen Renae Plaintiff James W. Allen 122869
Allen Beverly Plaintiff Norman F. Allen 123080
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff Don Rhodes & AB Const 123180
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff Harry Worthen 123181
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff L.M. Lemmon Jr. 123182
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff L.M. Lemmon 123183
Allen Mary Elizabet Plaintiff Bankers Life & Cas Co 123191
Allen Steel Cp. Plaintiff Robert M. Harmon, etal 123291
Allen Alger James Plaintiff Marie Fisher Allen 123310
Allen Gloria Plaintiff John Robert Nuckols 123386
Allgood T. Earl Plaintiff Salt Lake Company 123428
Allred John A. Plaintiff Patricia Murphy 123602
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff Stan Cole 123714
Alldredge Beverly Jean Plaintiff Grant Wendell Alldredge 123768
Alexander Earline Clower Plaintiff Theodore James Alexander 123154
Alder J.A. Plaintiff Lonnie William Glen 123806
Albertsma Willie ect met Plaintiff Max Aiken 124492
Albretsen Gloria Plaintiff Ray Lamar Albretsen 125366
Alexander Earline Ruby Plaintiff Theodore James Alexander 125436
Alger Hettie Marie Plaintiff Salt Lake Glass & Paint 125093
Allem Leon J. et ux Plaintiff Salt Lake Glass & Paint 124912
Alldredge Tony et al Plaintiff William R. Eameron 124295
Allen Bruce E. Plaintiff Alvin Leroy Allen 125363
Allen Charlene Kay Plaintiff Bruce Wallace Allen 125824
Allen Ida Cozza Plaintiff James B. Allen 125075
Allen John W. Plaintiff Robert J. Solt 123935
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff Carroll B. Hummel 125361
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff Lamar Sharples 124264
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff Paul Cushing et al 123942
All Plastics Corpn, et al Defendant Marvin Christensen 118056
Alfrod Jerry Defendant Shirley Alford 118089
Phil Defendant Trailmobile Inc 118099
Allen Edward Eugene Defendant Faye Royce Allen 118107
Alpha Mining & Milling Defendant Bush Eng. & Mfg. 118117
Albretsen Jay Defendant Karen Albretsen 118256
Albretsen Eward Defendant Adrienne Albretsen 118333
Allen Alger James Defendant Marie Allen 118471
Alexander Robt R. et ux Defendant Chas W & Virginia Evans 118620
Allred Daniel D. Defendant Kathleen Allred 118712
Allred Boyd Defendant George Stavrakis 118713
Alpine Uranium Corpn. Defendant Chytraus Bros. Co. 118589
Allen Rex Defendant Lang Cons. Equip Co. 118886
Allison Duane Don Defendant Elaine Anne Foster Allison 118868
Allen Wilma Merlene Defendant Gary E. Allen 118929
Alexander Ken P. Defendant P.C. Kimball inc. 118930
Alston Edwin B. erux Defendant Reams Bargain Annex 118933
Allred Sheldon S. Defendant G.S. Diumenti, et al 119083
Alsop Iven Lowell etux Defendant Mervin R. Allen et ux 119172
Allen Milo Defendant Pearl Allen 119191
Allen William D. ect Defendant The Mosaic Tile Co. 119209
Alsco of Utah Defendant McCullough Recreation Co. 119233
All Plastics Corpn. Defendant Thosmas C. Bunting 119261
Allred John A. Defendant Sterling Furn Co. 119391
Alexander Fay Defendant Robert Alexander 119529
Allred Roger L. Defendant Marlene K. Allred 119951
Albertsons Inc. Defendant Leon D. Malin 119975
Alumaline Corpn. of Am. Defendant Alumatic Corpn. of Am. 120074
Alder Donald B. ect Defendant Equitable Discount Corpn. 120204
Allred Frank B. Defendant Delone Ll. Allred 120217
Alves Joseph Barnard Defendant Margaret Hawpe Alves 120266
Alunite Corpn. of Utah Defendant Crosbie Valley Inv. 120291
Alberts Albert K. Defendant Primrose Jewelers 120329
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller


Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Allen Steel Co. Plaintiff Specialty Builders, Inc., etal 124263
Allen William D. Plaintiff Eldred Bunting, etux 124078
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller


Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Amador Alfonso Plaintiff Tina G. Amador 111150
Ames Donna E. Plaintiff Albert E. Ames 111208
American Gunite Inc. Plaintiff Robert Rees Densie, et al 111777
American Finance & Investment Co Plaintiff Vincent B. Hardi 112439
A.M.J. Inc. Plaintiff Three Peaks Inc. 112448
American Employers Inc. Plaintiff Empire Tile Corp. et al 112487
American Tank & Steel Co. Plaintiff Carl Randell, et al 112858
American Block Co. Plaintiff Bruce Allen 113081
American Gunite co. Plaintiff James Jenkins et ux 113624
American Linen supply co ect Plaintiff Rueben Ma Son d/b/a teds shoes 113649
American Gunite Co ect Plaintiff Joe H. Lamb 114571
American Savings & Loan Assn Plaintiff Capitol Finance co 114850
Amador Henry Plaintiff Patricia Amador 115347
American Lubricant Co. Plaintiff Dugal Young et al 115470
American Bonding Co. Plaintiff Montana Western oil & and gas 115826
American Casualty Co. Plaintiff Empire Securities Corp 115967
American Sav. & Loan assn. Plaintiff Evan D. Olsen et ux 116265
Ambrosio George D. et al Plaintiff Frances C. Lund 116682
American Falls Canal Securities Plaintiff Ivan W. Grang 116804
Amos Brigitte Edeltraud Plaintiff Ronald Rogell Amos 117008
American Bonding Co a/k/a Plaintiff
Fedelity Deposit Co of Maryland Plaintiff Allen H. Smith 117305
American Linen Supply co Plaintiff Wallace St Joer et al ect 117401
American Linen Supply Co Plaintiff Cliff E. Alridge 117377
American Machine Co Plaintiff Lacy Dartnell et al d/b/a Plant& Dartnell Construct 117589
Ames Phyllis Sharples Plaintiff Vern Cook Ames 118208
American Surety Co of New York Plaintiff Ray Hunt 118718
American Terrazzo Strip Co Plaintiff Jim Pietramail ect 121088
American Linen Supply Co Plaintiff Douglas T. Fairbanks 118938
American Sav & Loan assn Plaintiff Stewart L. Carlson et al 118974
American Sav & Loan assn Plaintiff Jimmie N. Watanabe 119056
American Svgs & Loan Assn Plaintiff Mrs Eugene L. David et al 119612
American Security Co, et al Plaintiff WalkerBank& Trust 119688
American Laundry Machinery Co Plaintiff Mohr Touse et ux al 119717
American Falls Canal sec co. Plaintiff Le Roy still et ux 119770
American Rooding Co Plaintiff Ben H. Davis 119778
American Cas Co of reading Pa Plaintiff Elmer G. Elredge 120460
American Forge Co. et al Defendant Douglas A. Jackson 110479
American Paper & Supply Co. Defendant Grenville H. Simmons 110841
Amador Tina G. Defendant Alfonso Amador 111150
American Transfer Inc. Defendant Trailmobile Inc 112634
American Block Co. Defendant Pumice Inc 112791
American Casualty Co. of Reading Pa. Defendant Abajo Uranium Co 112880
American Smelting & Ref. Co. Defendant Goldie Century Ind. 112888
American Block Co. Defendant Darrell Brown 112963
American Block Co. Defendant Electric Motor Service 113032
American Mill & Fixture Co. Defendant Homer G. Birdsall 113260
American Block Defendant
A.M.J. Inc. Defendant Vineyard Investment Corp. 113421
A.M.J. Inc. ect. Defendant Jay Kartchner et ux 114021
American Transport Lease Co. Defendant Leland S. Swaner 114147
American Block Co. Defendant Grace B. Wener et al 114175
American Housing Corp., Defendant Max C. Robert 114532
Amador Patricia Defendant Henry Amador 115347
Ames Lewis et ux Defendant Harold D. Beckman Indie and as Gdn of Elizabeth Beckman 115354
American Housing Corp co., Defendant Union Pacific R.R.Co. 115575
American Casualty Co, Defendant Norman Atherley 116294
American Bus Lines Defendant Dale H. Gerber et al 117267
American Block Co. Defendant Grace H. Warner et al 117851
Ames Vern Cook Defendant Phyllis Sharples Ames 118208
American Laundry Machinery, ect Defendant Bernard L. Rose ect 118587
American Union Ins. co Defendant La Mont Lyon 120512
American Block CO Defendant UtahSand and Gravel Co 118988
American Health Studios Defendant A.D. Lindley Painters 119412
American Finance ect Defendant Roger Baldwin 119915
American Block CO Defendant Transport Clearings Inter-mountain 120280
American Union Insurance Co Defendant La Mont Lyon 120512
American Security Co et al Defendant Utah State Securities Commission 122212
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller


Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Amalgamated Sugar Co Plaintiff UP Railroad Co and D & RGW Railroad 122256
American Barrel &Cooperage Co Walker Bk & Tr Co Plaintiff 122338
American Foundry E P Cr Union Plaintiff Jack A. King 122474
American Fdry Emp Cr Union Plaintiff Raymond L. Russel 122566
America nSurety Company Plaintiff Morris Druce 122861
American Casualty Company Plaintiff Cartyj. Thompson 122907
American Block Co Plaintiff Don Neff 124628
American Casualty Company Plaintiff Nile G. Harding 124028
American Casualty Co Plaintiff Wilfred A. Jackson 125171
Amdrose Gartrude S. Defendant Tresa Degattis 124188
American Casualty Co Defendant Interstate Brick Co 124648
Amodt Clarence Carl Defendant Patsy Lavoy Amodt 124722
American Security Co Defendant L.D. Walling 124746
American Savings & Loan Defendant Adelina M. Ingalls 124797
American Block Co Defendant Intermountain Association of Credit Man 125097
Amundson Royal Defendant Betty Amundson 126112
American Bankers Insurance Co et al Defendant Vestal Miles S. Estate of ect 126467
American Development co et al Defendant Richard Erickson 126643
Amodt Lawrence Defendant Norma Admot 126761
American Home Assurance Co Defendant Diamond Asphalt Co inc 126948
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 658 in total