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Last edit 5 months ago by MegLoosestrife


Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Aagard June Lane Plaintiff Louis Francis Aagard 114347
Aagaard Elmer K. Plaintiff John Piantes, etal 114398
Aagaard Elmer K. Plaintiff David E. Halford 114504
Aaldering Catherine R. Plaintiff Gerritt Jan Aaldering 114768
AAA Realty, Inc Plaintiff Edith E. Turlington 115498
AAA Tent & Awning Co. ect. Plaintiff George David, etal 116051
A& Z Produce Company, Plaintiff L.C. Mann & Sons 118453
Aardema Betty Jean ect. Plaintiff John Clifford Russell 118779
A.T.P. Incorporated Plaintiff Central Supply Co., etal 119392
A& Z Produce Company, Plaintiff Dave Nelson 123848
A.I.C. Plaintiff Beatrice Brockway, etal 123872
Aaldering Irene Mary Plaintiff Arnold Johannes Aaldering 123713
Aagard Elmer Plaintiff L.R. Collard 122993
Aaron Louise Plaintiff Michael Patrick Aaron 125782
A.A. Maycock, Co Plaintiff Larry P. Roberts etc. 125918
A.I.C Inc., Plaintiff Stanley A. Scott etal 126738
A.J. Dean & Sons, ect., Plaintiff Vaughn Dansie 127965
A&B Electric, Plaintiff Ralph Davis 128604
A.I.C Inc. Plaintiff Richard L. Carson, etal 128362
AAA Asphalt Paving Co etal Defendant Asphalt Product Co. 112460
Aagaard Louis Francis Defendant June Lane Aagaard 114347
Aagaard Elmer Defendant Joseph L. Nicodemus, etal 120369
Aagard Elmer K. Defendant Wilson Birkeenmayer 120371
A.M.I Insurance Co Defendant Owen H. Hall 123489
Aaldering Arnold Johannes Defendant Irene Mary Aaldering 123713
A.M.I. Insurance Co., ETC. Defendant Ronald C. Barker 123195
Aaron Michael Patrick Defendant Louis Aaron 125782
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller


Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
A & D Leasing Corporation Plaintiff J. Clyde Hunt dba etc. 148630
A.I.C. Inc. Plaintiff Homer W. Hanson, et ux 149172
A & B Plumbing & Heating Plaintiff Standard Plumbing Co. 150259
A.A.A. Automotive Enterprises Inc. Plaintiff Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. (The) 151207
A & R Sausage Company Plaintiff John Vassiliades dba A. B. Co. 151572
A & L Concrete Co. Plaintiff McNeil & Morley Construction Co. 151629
A & B Electric Co. Plaintiff John F. Clark, Et al 152198
A & B Electric Co. Plaintiff Hyland Realty 152514
A & B Electric Co. Plaintiff Don Maynes 153226
A & L Concrete Co. Plaintiff Easton Scoville 153586
A.I.C. Inc Plaintiff National Capitol Investment Inc. 153916
A.A.A. Automotive Enterprises Inc. Plaintiff Miller Brothers Laundry Inc. 154121
A & Z Produce Co Plaintiff Ronald D. Righby (et-ux) 114589
A & L Concrete Co Defendant Brimhall Corportation 150277
A & L Concrete Etc. Et Al Defendant Simpson Steel Etc. 150638
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller


Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Abbott Katherine M. Hall Plaintiff Claude B. Abbott 111828
Abelhouzen Henry J. Plaintiff Civil Service Comissioner 112156
Abejo Uranium Corp. Plaintiff American Casualty of Pa. 112880
Abbey Elizabeth Louise Plaintiff Rona ld Elmer Abbey 114646
Abbott Crval Plaintiff James A Finnegan, Jr. 115221
Abejo Uranium Inc. etal Plaintiff John W. Taylor 115501
Abrahams Franklin Plaintiff Dr. Albert H. Pickner 116200
Abelow Ira L. Plaintiff Nel Lindgren, et al 116479
Abraham Carolyn J. Plaintiff Gayle W. Abraham 117507
Abbott Wyona Elizabeth Adams Plaintiff John Barker Abbott, Jr 120834
Abrhams June Keller Plaintiff Louis E. Abrams 121651
Abbott Marjorie Plaintiff Ernest Scheffrahm 119082
Abajo, Uranium Co Plaintiff Russell Ballard, et al 123524
Abasher Lloyd D. Plaintiff Tiago Construction Co 126228
Abney Ruby L. Defendant Roscoe E. Abney 111
Abbott Claude B. Defendant Katherine M. Hall Abbott 111
Abahier Thomas J. Jr Defendant Valentino E. Baldini 112
Abajo Uranium Co. Defendant Leon Belaustgui 112
Abelhouzen H J Defendant Leo Grossmen, et al 113
Abbey Ronald Elmer Defendant Elizabeth Louis Abbey 114
Abrasive Tools & Supply, Inc Defendant Technical Tape Corp 1
Abajo Uranium Inc, et al Defendant John W. Taylor 115
Abraham Cayle W. Defendant Carolyn J. Abraham 117
Abrasive Tools & Supply, Inc Defendant Transport Clearins of UT 118
Abbott John Baker Jr Defendant Wyona Elizabeth Adam Abbott 1
Abrams Louis E. Defendant June Keeler Abrams 121
Ablehouzen Henry Defendant Salt Lake Firemans Credit Union 121
Abbott Walter J. Defendant Mary Loskot 119
Abel Jolene Defendant Dial Industrial Finance 119
Abeyta Ted Christopher Defendant Thora Wilcox Jiminez 125
Abrahms Claude E. et ux Defendant Liberal Credit Co 125
Abbott Frank Defendant Lane Motor Sales 126
Abbott Brent Defendant Salt Lake Stamp Co. 127
Abbott Frank Defendant Salt Lake Stamp Co. 127
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller


Date Range: 1961-1963

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Acme Lime Products Plaintiff Migurd Johanson 111274
Acton Hugh Plaintiff Utah Gas Service Co, et al 111842
Acord Thayne etc. Plaintiff Norman Peterson, et al 112277
Acme Steel Co. Plaintiff J. R. Woods d/b/s/ J. R. Woods Co. 112833
Acme Lime Products Co, Plaintiff Robert E. Plant 113370
Acord O. Thayne Plaintiff Geniel Jenkins 114519
Acord O. Thayne et ux Plaintiff Gordon A. Leonard, et ux 115689
Acme Lime Products, Inc. Plaintiff LeMarr J. Bridge, et al 116170
Ace Finance Co. Plaintiff Irving Newton 116587
Acme Lime Products Plaintiff Frank Ross Plant 117298
Acme Distributing Co Plaintiff John E. Papanikoles, et al 118174
Acme Lime Products, Inc Plaintiff J. H. Kingdon, et al 118306
Acord O. Thayne etc Plaintiff Derwood Peterson, et ux 118836
Acme Boiler & Htg Co Plaintiff S. Le Roy Barratt 121243
Ackman Wargie Alvena Plaintiff Marvin Earl Ackman 121873
Acme Lime Products Co Plaintiff Alexander Porteous 121875
Ackerman Robert D. et ux Plaintiff Wesley J Little, et ux 121953
Acme Lime Products, Inc Plaintiff Kenly Duncan 119650
Acme Boot Company Plaintiff W. R. Christenson, et al 122247
Acomb Minnie M. Plaintiff Dale M. Acomb 122895
Acme Distributing Co Plaintiff Neil Williams, et al 122900
Acme Distributing Co Plaintiff J. W. Chase, Jr 122996
Acme Lime Products Co Plaintiff Union Pacific Railroad 122221
Acme Lime Products, Inc Plaintiff Joseph J. Phillips 125445
Acme Quality Paints Inc Plaintiff Packard Lumber Co 123878
Acme Lime Products Co et al Plaintiff Karl Sentker 124412
Acme Quality Paints Inc Plaintiff Elizabeth Phillps et al 125829
Aceves Theresa Plaintiff Richard Aceves 127925
Acme Crane Rental Co Plaintiff Ideal Cement Co 126089
Acme Lime Products Inc Plaintiff Charles Brundle et al 126304
Acme Lime Products Co Plaintiff Lynn Dean 126772
Acme Wrecking & Salvage Co Plaintiff Robert Daly et al 125845
Acel W. Richardson Plaintiff Joseph H. Lamb 128466
Acme Lime Products Inc Plaintiff Lee H. Faldmo et al 128490
Acme Lime Products Inc Plaintiff Dale C. Dearden 128404
Acme Lime Products Plaintiff Ray Jensen 128718
Acme Lime Products, Inc. Defendant Robert Hayes et al 111586
Achuff Walter D. Defendant Issac Boud 113551
Acme Distributing Co Defendant Bonafide Mills, Inc 118253
Ackman Marvin Earl Defendant Margie Alvene Ackman 121873
Acme Distributing Co Defendant Crompton Richmond Co 120075
Acomb Dale M. et ux Defendant Minnie M. Acomb 122895
Acomb Dale M. Defendant Katie M. Hoggan 126509
Aceves Richard Defendant Theresa Aceves 127925
Last edit 9 months ago by Genesie Miller
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