


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1961-1963

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Castillo Adela Plaintiff Joe Salazar 112561
Cardall Joy Volker Plaintiff Duane Taylor Cardall 112566
Castlebury Ann F. Plaintiff Floyd Ence 112630
Cache Finance Co. Plaintiff Jesse A. Loveday, et ux. 112674
Caputo Pauline H. Plaintiff Albert E. Caputo 112778
Caputo John J. Plaintiff Harlan W. Clark, et al. 112931
Callister Patricia Plaintiff Mazel Callister 112984
Callahan Venice Plaintiff James Callahan 113117
Carter Gust Reba Plaintiff Harold A. Christenson, et ux. 113169
Case Eugene Plaintiff Idonna S. Case 113073
Capitol Finance Co. Plaintiff Carl E. Rasmussen, et ux. 113193
Cazier Geraldine Plaintiff Gerald G. Cazier 113223
Camp Leo C. Plaintiff Shirlie Jones Charlewsorth 113301
Carlson Kenneth Plaintiff Madeline Davis Carlson 113449
Calacino Erma Lee Plaintiff Angelo Calacino 113488
California Bank Plaintiff Merritt K. Ruddock 113535
Cahoon Wallace Plaintiff Theodore Lambrose 113537
Caskinette Richard Joseph Plaintiff Shirley H. Caskinette 113579
Carter Aura Lee Knox Plaintiff Donald Wallace Carter 113584
Carranza J. C. Plaintiff Denver & Rio Grande R. R. 113620
Callahan Ada B. Plaintiff Frank P. Callahan 113729
Campbell V. L. Plaintiff Glen H Johnson, et ux. 113758
Carpets, Inc. Plaintiff Anthony Gorges, et ux. 113801
Case Diane Plaintiff Jerry Case 113905
Case Darline Plaintiff Roy Case 113992
Cahoon Howard B. Plaintiff Robert P. Pelton 114005
Carrasco Stella Plaintiff Ruben Anaya 114070
Campbell V. L. Plaintiff Moab Mines, Inc., etc. 114093
Campbell V. L. Plaintiff Lawrence O. Corbett, et ux. 114119
Carleson,Fred Al, Inc. Plaintiff A. Ellis Dunn 114149
Carter, Don, et al. d/ b/ a Erueka Appliance Co. Plaintiff Vern H. Bolinder Co. 114198
Carlton Betty Lou Plaintiff Paul Eugene Rice 114201
Call Jedd W. Plaintiff Ralph Chreze 114542
California Western Life Insurance Co. Plaintiff A. Fenton Smith 114590
Capitol Finance Co. Plaintiff Fred Rauzon, et ux., et al. 114594
Capitol Finance Corp. Plaintiff Carl N. Gilbert, et al. 114598
Capitol Finance Plaintiff Paul J. Callahan, et al. 114627
Carter James A. Plaintiff Patricia Alice Nelson 114635
Capitol Finance Co. Plaintiff Cletus C. Robinson, et al. 114694
Carlisle Corporation Plaintiff B. W. Stephenson, et al. 121570
Carroll Barbara Joyce Plaintiff Jimmy Lee Carroll 121606
Cavey A. F. etc. Defendant Western Battery Co. 112429
Cayias Jack L. et al. Defendant Ralph D. Fisher 112627
Carafelli C. G. Defendant Great Western Metals 112628
Carroll Willard K. Defendant Frederick D. Alldredge, et ux. 112661
Cate Equipment Co. etc. et al. Defendant Rober V. Pierce 112704
Castleybury Ann F. Defendant Floyd Ence 112630
Caldwell Lawrence Criag et al. Defendant Union Oil of Calif. 112740
Caputo Albert E. Defendant Pauline H. Caputo 112778
Cashman Thomas R. et ux. Defendant Murray Finance Co. 112839
Cardiff, Mining & Milling Co. Defendant Mrs. Alma Jona, etc. 112895
Caldwell Arlen S. et ux. Defendant S S & F Employees Federal Credit Union 112968
Callister Mazel Defendant Patricia Callister 112984
Case Idonna S. Defendant Eugene case 113073
Callahan James Defendant Venice CAllahan 113117
Cazier Gerald G. Defendant Geraldine L. cazier 113223
Carlson La Mar H. etc. Defendant Paul D. Lawson 113282
Calder Howard Defendant Robert Herman 113328
Carmen George R. et ux. Defendant Ino C. Carchuleta 113336
Cafarelli C. G. Defendant Ronald Henon & Ned Smith 113367
Cahoon Stanley M. Defendant Jo Ann Cahoon 113389
Carter Lawrence C. Defendant Rosannah D. G. Carter 113405
Carlow George Ann Defendant Rulon J. Carlow 113414
Capitol Finance Co. etc. Defendant A. Ken Edgar, et al. 113386
Cahoon Jo Ann Defendant Stanley M. Cahoon 113389
Carlow Rulon J. Defendant George Ann Carlow 113414
Carter Edna Evelyn Defendant Earl J. CArter 113434
Carlsen Donna P. Defendant Edward Andrew Carlsen 113441
Carter Rosannah Dunster Defendant Lawrence C. Carter 113405
Carlson Madeline Davis Defendant Kenneth Carlson 113449
Calacino Angelo F. Defendant Erma Lee Calacino 113488
Carter George B. et al. Defendant Erastus peterson, et ux. 113501
Cassity Donn E. etc. et al. Defendant John T. Salberg, et al. 113532
Carlisle Motors, Inc. Defendant Herbert E. Glesson 113538
Caskinette Shirlene Hutchinson Defendant Richard Caskinette 113579
Carter Donald Wallace Defendant Aura Lee Knox Carter 113584
Campbell Building Co. of Utah et al., etc. Defendant A. C. Burton 113628
Carlisle Harvey B. et al. Defendant Standord P. Darger 113652
Carnesecca Frank Defendant Whitney Bros, a Corp. 113671
Carlson Stewart L. et ux., et al. Defendant I & M Rug & Linoleum 113712
Callahan Frank P. Defendant Ada B. Callahan 113729
Carter Elwood B. et al. Defendant Donna Pilcher 113798
Carlson Janice Defendant Dennis cArlson 114399

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