


Status: Incomplete

Date Range: 1961-1963

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Carver Glen Dean Plaintiff Howell Usifuss, et al. 110815
Campbell V. L. Plaintiff Glen Van Tassell, et ux. 110909
Campbell V. L. Plaintiff Harold L. Fox, et ux. 110911
Capitol Finance Co. Plaintiff Claude E. Wallace, et ux. 110852
Carson Martin M. Plaintiff Paul E. Carson 110403
Caldwell Betty J. etc. Plaintiff Oliver W. Gloe, et al. 110472
Catmul George B. et al. Plaintiff Lina Lehmann, et al., etc 110509
Capitol Printing, Inc. et al. Plaintiff The Color Bar 110595
Cafarelli C. G. Plaintiff L. B. Duffin, et al. 110621
Case William Plaintiff William R. Jones 110848
Carpenter Ralph Plaintiff Nancy Carpenter 111007
Case Ruth Plaintiff John Anthony Case 111016
Cammack Clara Annette Grundy Plaintiff Craig Lawrence Cammack 110959
Capener Thomas L. Plaintiff Marie T. Capener 111038
Capitol Finance Co. Plaintiff E. L. David, et ux. 111127
Carter Velma Hanson Plaintiff Arvil Gilbert Carter 111129
Casaus Rose Mary etc. Plaintiff Bryan Bird, etc. et al. 111149
Case Francis LaVonne Fox Plaintiff LeRoy Edward CAse 111168
Campbell V. L. Plaintiff Alden G. Lemmon et ux. 111153
Campbell V. L. Plaintiff W. K. McCafferty, et ux. 111256
Cavanas Claire K Plaintiff Wayne E. Cavanas 111363
California Mfg. Equipment Co. Plaintiff Stewart Jones 111482
Capps, Ione Plaintiff Richard K. Capps 111565
Calkins Margaret Mae Plaintiff Harold E. Calkins 111553
Camp Leo C. Plaintiff Claire M. Camp 111556
Carlson, Fred A. Co. etc. Plaintiff Mrs. Chas. E. Lamper 111618
Cannon George N. Plaintiff Sperry C. Rollins 111644
Carbon Finance Co. Plaintiff Marvin L. Jones 111677
Carlson Janice Plaintiff Dennis E. Carlson 111697
Canavan June Plaintiff Eugene Canavan 112071
Carrick Phyllis Plaintiff Bryce Carrick 112008
Carlisle Annie Bilanzich Plaintiff Glade Stan Carlisle 112139
Cannaday Venice M. Plaintiff Richard E. Cannaday 112175
Caldwell, Motor Co. Plaintiff Mansel A. Scow 112242
Carlisle Clyde Plaintiff Steven L. Hansen 112312
Carr Don K. Plaintiff Lois Moss Carr 112343
Carter Ralph Plaintiff Harry K. Mitsunaga 112349
Carlsen Douglas E. Plaintiff Delores Rich 112371
Carter Vera L. Plaintiff Alvin J. CArter 112385
Carney Ethel Plaintiff Louis Raymond Carney, Jr. 112395
Campbell Linda Hope, etc. Plaintiff Lyle Knudsen, et al. 112440
Cannon Paul P. et al. Plaintiff Ephraim Taylor 112450
Carrell Kenneth et al., etc. Plaintiff F. & S. Construction Co. 112452
Callahan Diane Plaintiff Clifford F. Callahan 112489
Calvert Earl K. Plaintiff Camille Lemmon 112475
Carson Martin M. Defendant Paul E. Carson 110403
CAldwell Betty J. etc. Defendant Oliver W. Gloe, et al. 110472
Catmul George B. et al. Defendant Lina Lehmann, et al. 110509
Cafarelli C. G. Defendant L. B. Duffin, et al. 110621
Case William Defendant William R. Jones 110848
Cammack Craig Lawrence Defendant Clara Annette G. Cammack 110959
Carpenter Nancy Defendant Ralph Carpenter 111007
Case John Anthony Defendant Ruth Case 111016
Capener Marie T. Defendant Thomas L. Carpenter 111038
Carter Arvil Gilbert Defendant Velma Hanson Carter 111129
Case LeRoy Edward Defendant Francis Lavonne Fox Case 111168
Calvert Fire Insurance Co. Defendant Bryan Farley 111241
Carman Margaret C. et al. Defendant Walter Drobny 111343
Campa Mary M. Holland Defendant Peter Holland 111356
Cavanes Wayne E. Defendant Claire K. Cavanes 11362
Carpenter-Morrison Uranium Co. Defendant Comstock Uranium Co. 111414
Carlson Louis et al. Defendant Time Loan Corp. 111474
Campbell Charles Defendant Lorin Kemp, etc. 111518
Campbell Charles Defendant Shauna Rae Kemp, etc. 111519
Campbell Charles Defendant Dale LeRoy Kemp 111520
Campbell Chalres Defendant Eula Kemp 111521
Calkins Harold E. Defendant Margaret Mae Calkins 111553
Camp Claire M. Defendant Leo C. Camp 111556
Castra Don G. Defendant Utah Central Credit Union 111665
Capps Richard K. Defendant Ione Capps 111565
Cafe & Restaurant Corp. et al. Defendant Jay Marshall, etc. 111705
Cardon Paul B. Defendant Vern R. Elkins, Jr. 111959
Carrick Bryce Defendant Phyllis Carrick 112008
Cates F. M. et al. Defendant Adco, Inc. 112038
Cavanan June Defendant Eugene Canavan 112071
Carlisle Glade Stan Defendant Arnie Bilangich Carlisle 112139
Carr Ray Defendant Continental Bank & Trust Co. 112147
Cannaday Richard E. Defendant Venice M. Cannaday 111275
Carbozite Protective Coatings Defendant Clayton A. Parker 112286
Carbozite Protective Coatings Defendant Bryce Reynolds, et al. 112287
Calvin John Defendant Theone Galloway 112313
Campbell Bobbie L. Defendant Dorothy Jefferson 112333
Car Lois Moss Defendant Don K. Carr 112343
Carter Alvin K. Defendant Vera L. Carter 112385
Carney Louis Raymond Jr. Defendant Ethel Carney 112395
Cafarelli C. G. Defendant Henry O. Hart 112408
Carpenter Lloyd B. etc. Defendant Joe Woodbury
Campbell William H. Defendant Robert B. Holladay,
Callahan Clifford F. Defendant Diane Callahan
Cardall Duane Taylor Defendant Joy Volker Cardall 1125

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