


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1961-1963

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Bullen T. H. Plaintiff George A. Adams 126846
Bunker, Owen & Sons Inc Plaintiff Walter Hansen 126759
Burgers Alma I. Plaintiff Paul A. Vizina et al. 126219
Burgess Shannon L. Benzon Plaintiff Glenn Taylor Burgess 126726
Burbidge Gloria Plaintiff Richard W. Burbidge 127207
Burchett Lola Plaintiff Robert L. Burchett 127353
Burr G. M. and Ted Burr dba Plaintiff Rex P. Howard 126960
Burns Phoebe S. Plaintiff James LeRoy Burns 127091
Burton Angella Plaintiff William Burton 126790
Burton Rulon T. Plaintiff L. J. Hendricks et al. 127149
Burton William H. Plaintiff Dale K. Barker 126599
Burton Wilford M. Trustee Plaintiff Brighton Recreations Inc et al. 126116
Bushnell John K. Plaintiff Jo Ann K. Bushnell 126603
Butcher Inez C. Plaintiff Edgar Le Roy Butcher 127325
Butcher Kenneth Plaintiff Helen Cloud et al. 126389
Butcher Shirley M. Plaintiff Marvin R. Butcher 126161
Butterfield Donna Lee Plaintiff Richard Butterfield 127251
Butterfield Faye LaRue Plaintiff Lawrence Odell Butterfield 127078
Butterfield Patricia Plaintiff Donald Raymond Butterfield 125993
Burke Billie N. et ux. Plaintiff William R. Bailey et al. 128041
Burke William B. et ux. Plaintiff Associated Dealers Supply Co 128078
Burnett William Plaintiff Lagoon Corporation 128393
Bushman Patricia Plaintiff Blair R. Bushman 128538
Burns Donald Plaintiff Marion Burns 108823
Butterfield Richard Defendant Donna Lee Butterfield 127251
Butcher Edgar LeRoy Defendant Inez C. Butcher 127325
Burdette Michael L Defendant Eimco Credit Union 127329
Burchett Robert L. Defendant Lola Burchett 127353
Bueno Mining Co Inc et al. Defendant Otto Buehner Co 127375
Buranek Alfred M. et al. Defendant Oak Hills Inc 127479
Burningham Lunn Defendant Rudy Paulson 127765
Buffett Floyd E. et ux. Defendant Capitol Finance Co 127891

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