


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1961-1963

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Delbe Wm. G. etc Plaintiff Plateau Mining Company 118915
Butler Mary Ruth Plaintiff Robert Paine 118955
Bullock, Glass & Frame Co Plaintiff Stewart Carlson 118966
Burton Lumber Co Plaintiff Douglas L. Pay, et al. 119030
Burnett Mary Ann Plaintiff Earl Lee Burnett 119066
Burr Dora Plaintiff Jack Burr 119155
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Kenly Duncan 119188
Bunting Thomas C. Plaintiff All Plastics Corporation 119261
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Union Pacific Railroad Co 119277
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Sellers & Wheeler, etc 119361
Bunker, Owen & Sons Plaintiff Jack Rose 119448
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Cyril B. Harmon 119585
Bullock Don V. Plaintiff Belva Bullock 119589
Burrows Raymond B. Plaintiff Patricia M. Burrows 119735
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff George B. Osborne 119746
Butte Clothiel C. Plaintiff Harry T. Butte 119774
Burbidge Mary B. Plaintiff Joseph D. Burbidge 119797
Burnette Ollie Plaintiff Thomas R. Williams 119958
Buehner, Otto Company Plaintiff Holiday Pool Company 120029
Budd Barbara J. Plaintiff Lafe N. Budd 120282
Buh Andrew C. Plaintiff Grace E. Buh 120317
Burbank Gary J. Plaintiff Erva Ann Burbank 120497
Buehner, Otto Company Plaintiff John Stock 122080
Burgess Ruth L Plaintiff George Vaughn Burgess 122093
Butcher Wendell Z. Plaintiff U. S. Enterprises 122203
Butcher Lucy Plaintiff Delbert L. Butcher 122317
Buehner Block Co Plaintiff Stanley H. Peck et ux 122334
Buehner Block Co Plaintiff Wayne Young 122383
Buehner, Otto Block Co Plaintiff Elmer R. Chytraus 122384
Burningham Gladys J. Plaintiff Gordon M. Burningham 122397
Buehner Block Co Plaintiff A. M. Breinholt, et al. 122425
Buehner, Otto Co Plaintiff Ringsby Truck Lines 122457
Burningham Flavia F. Plaintiff Frank T. Burningham 122526
Butcher Irene B. Plaintiff Robert Dukes, et al. 122620
Burton Edward L. Jr. Plaintiff Robert Thomas 122635
Bush Engineering & Mfg Co Plaintiff Jack M. Andersen 122719
Bureau of Civil Prosecutions Plaintiff Twentieth Century Builders, inc 122731
Burbidge Eugene S. Plaintiff Don P. Rutledge 122793
Butterfield Betty Blackham Plaintiff Barbara M.Marvidikis 122858
Bush Giles F. Plaintiff Howard P. Rock, et ux 122880
Burr Leola Clayton DuBois Plaintiff Keith C. Dubois 123177
Bunnell Elvin W. Plaintiff Lloyd H. Black 123227
Burchett Lola Plaintiff Robert L. Burchett 123337
Bullen T. H. et al. Defendant Farmers State Bank 120223
Budd Lafe N. Defendant Barbara J. Budd 120282
Buh Grace E. Defendant Andrew C. Buh 120317
Burdette Duane et ux Defendant Inter Mountain Fulco - Employees Federal Credit Union 120323
Budget Loan & Finance Plan Defendant Budget System Inc 120550
Bush John L Defendant Stover Bedding & Manufacturing Co 120619
Burton Hazel Aston Defendant Therin Dee Burton 120628
Butcher Carole Ruby Defendant Leo F. Butcher 120699
Butler Edwin L. et ux Defendant Pioneer Finance & Thift 120725
Burgess James Norman Defendant Judy Helen Burgess 120877
Bunker Richard Dean Defendant Doris Croxford Bunker 120923
Bush Giles F. Defendant Beehive Security Co 120955
Burgener Vivian & Phillip G.Bailey Defendant F.Wayne, Roskelly 121035
Bullock John H. II Defendant Margaret H. Bullock 121173
Bull Troy Alex Defendant Mamie Marie Spear Bull 121201
Burnside Glenn Defendant Dorothy Burnside 121383
Bullock Gerald W. Defendant Marjorie Nielson Bullock 121542
Burningham Jeanette et al. Defendant Edith A. Mackenzie 121647
Buckmiller E. Stephen etc Defendant Mae Niles 121648
Buttgereit Max et ux Defendant Bill Petty etc 121779
Burns, William J. Detective Agency Defendant Edith Olpin 121851
Burnham Ronald LeRoy Defendant LaRue Burnham 121910
Butler Wendell D. Defendant Ann S. Butler 121970
Burton C. H. et ux et al. Defendant Commercial Insurance Co 122048
Buchanan John M. Defendant Janet Buchanan 122061
Burgess George Vaughn Defendant Ruth L. Burgess 122093
Buck Harold etc Defendant Equipment Advertiser, Inc 122090
Butcher Delbert L Defendant Lucy Butcher 122317
Burningham Gordon M. Defendant Gladys J. Burningham 122397
Burningham Frank F. Defendant Flavia F. Burningham 122526
Burdette Duane Defendant Clude F. Gillette 122659
Buck Donald E. Defendant Wilhelmina P. Griffith 122850
Bullen Ted E. etc Defendant O. Stenzel Manufacturing Co 122958
Butcher Wendell Defendant Knight Adjustment Bureau 122976
Bushnell Dan S. Defendant Robert G. Hamlin 123164
Buckner Philip H. Defendant State of Utah Road Commission 123616
Bullock Leonoard E. Defendant Mill Creek Lumber & Hardware 123707
Bunhall Leslie Lamar Defendant Marlene Bunhall 123759
Burgoyne Eugene O. Defendant Continental Bank & Trust Co 123957
Bunker Richard D. Defendant Continental Credit Corporation 123998
Bunton Wanda Defendant Jay L. Webb, et al. 123075
Bunting Eldred et ux Defendant William D. Allen 124078

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