


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1961-1963

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Burgon Shirley Plaintiff Dean Burgon 117635
Burningham Eileen Plaintiff George Burningham, Jr. 118007
Burton Angela M. Plaintiff William Burton 118041
Bunkall Marlene Plaintiff Lesley LaMar Bunkall 118094
Bush Engineering & Manfg Co. Plaintiff Alpha Min.& Mill.Co. 118117
Buckles Lydia Peck Plaintiff James Lovell Buckles 118133
Butehorn Faye Jones Plaintiff Butehorn, Carl Lewis 118300
Butterfield Peggy Plaintiff La Von Butterfield 118412
Buck Ella Beth Plaintiff Donald David Buck 118421
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Frayne W.Christensen 118520
Butt Clayton E. Plaintiff Frank E. Moss, County Attorney 118568
Buick Harry A. & Marcel M. Plaintiff Utah Concrete Pipe Company, et al. 118591
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Henry C. Engh d b a Engh Floral 118659
Butterfield Clarence Plaintiff John W. Turner, Warden of Utah State Prison 118678
Burton Roy Edward Plaintiff Elsie M.Burton 118687
Bureau of Civil Prosecutions Plaintiff Robt. Hawley 118746
Bunker Dougherty, Inc Plaintiff Elton Meacham 118841
Buehner, Otto & Company Plaintiff Henry L.Ashton & Sons 118845
Budget System, Inc Plaintiff Budget Loan & Fin.Plan 120550
Burton Therin Dee Plaintiff Hazel Astin Burton 120628
Butt Leona Plaintiff Marie Crawford 120651
Butcher Leo F. Plaintiff Carole Ruby Butcher 120699
Burgess Judy Helen Plaintiff James Norman Burgess 120877
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Kenneth D. Lynch 120878
Bunker Doris Croxford Plaintiff Richard Dean Bunker 120923
Buracher Daniel M. Plaintiff Western Pacific RR Co 120930
Buehner Block Company Plaintiff Ernest I. Wilson 121076
Bunting Eldred S. Plaintiff Hoen Hydraulic Corp 121100
Burton C. H. Plaintiff 200 Motors, Inc.et al. 121122
Bullock Margaret H Plaintiff John H. Bullock II 121173
Bull Mamie Marie Speare Plaintiff Tory Alex Bull 121202
Bullock Keith D. Plaintiff Deseret Dodge Truck Center 121338
Burnside Dorothy Plaintiff Glenn Burnsides 121383
Buccambuso David P. Plaintiff C. Zumstein, et al. 121478
Bullock Marjorie Nielson Plaintiff Gerald W. Bullock 121542
Buehner, Otto & Co Plaintiff Ariel Breinholt 121635
Buehner, Otto & Co Plaintiff Ray L. Christen,et al. 121754
Burgess Ernest Glen Plaintiff Charles "Chance" Williams 121767
Burnham La Rue Plaintiff Ronald Le Roy Burnham 121910
Butler Ann S. Plaintiff Wendell D. Butler 121970
Buchanan Janet Plaintiff John M. Buchanan 122061
Building & Construction Trades, et al. Defendant A. P. Neilson Co 116271
Bunner Gerald W. Defendant Evalyn F. Bunner 116309
Burgess Joyce Defendant Joseph Burgess 116540
Butterfield Pearl Defendant Floyd Butterfield 116747
Burnham Ronald LeRoy Defendant LaRue Burnham 116802
Burnett Joseph LeRoy Defendant Rose Burnett 116817
Burr Jay Defendant Marie Burr 116833
Burk Jack Dempsey Defendant Reva B. Burk 116877
Butt Clayton E. Defendant Caroline H. Butt Hansen 116916
Burton Ted James Defendant Sheila Ray Burton 117107
Burbidge Richard W. Defendant Gloria M. Burbidge 117163
Burnham Irma Mae Defendant Gustava Torgerson 117176
Burrows James H. et ux Defendant Calvin Johnson, etc. 117379
Bullock Berzell Defendant Florence Bullock 117469
Butters Lora Ann Defendant Delbert Eldon Butters 117491
Butcher Merrill Defendant Bessie Butcher 117495
Burton Wilford Moyle Defendant Charles J. Gaupp, et ux 117510
Burns Ralph E. et ux Defendant Murray Finance Corp. 117537
Burkinshaw Glenn, etc. Defendant John Antonchick, et al. 117586
Burgess Joseph Defendant Joyce Burgess 117593
Burgon Dean Defendant Shirley Burgon 117635
Buehner, Otto & Co Defendant Los Angeles Tile Jobbers 117952
Bunningham George Jr Defendant Eileen Bunningham 118007
Burton William Defendant Angela M. Burton 118041
Bunkall Lesley LaMar Defendant Marlene Bunkall 118094
Buckles Carnes Dudley et al. Defendant Laurence H.Winterer, etc 118237
Butehorn Carl Lewis Defendant Faye Jones Butehorn 118300
Butterfield Franklin A Defendant Salt Lake Water Conservancy District 118381
Burnside Ronald J Defendant Chano Rubalcava 118387
Butterfield LaVon Defendant Peggy Butterfield 118412
Buck Donald David Defendant Ella Beth Buck 118421
Busenbark O'Dell J. Defendant Ione Brown Busenbark 118507
Buckway Melvin H. Defendant Blaine Butler 118516
Buehner, Otto Company Defendant Maurice Brooks 118517
Buck Harold Defendant Precise Imports Corp 118567
Burton Elsie M Defendant Roy Edward Burton 118687
Burr Jack Defendant Dora Burr 119155
Bullock Belva Defendant Don V. Bullock 119589
Butcher Duane H. et al. Defendant Armand Cafarelli 119648
Burrows Patricia M Defendant Raymond B.Burrows 119735
Butte Harry T Defendant Clothiel C. Butte 119774
Burbidge Joseph D. Defendant Mary B. Burbidge 119797
Burnham Clark et al. Defendant Glenn Hall 120189

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