


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Autrey Floyd C. Plaintiff Sleep-Aire Mattress Co. Inc. 110831
Aultorest Memorial Corp. Plaintiff Beehive Builders Supply 110964
Ault Earl etc Plaintiff Jesse R. Curtis, et al 111020
Ault Harold E. Plaintiff Noel Tidwell et al 111810
Auto Lease Co. Plaintiff Central Mutual Insurance Co. 112205
Auerbach Realty Co. Plaintiff Jack C. Grover, et al 112799
Auerbach Bessie et al Plaintiff Fannie F. A. Samuels 113576
Austin Gordon et al Plaintiff Keith Edwards 114076
Auerbach Bessie et al Plaintiff Fannie A. Samuels, et al 114178
Austin Wilma M. Plaintiff Clarence W. Austin 114988
Ausmus Juanita Plaintiff J. D. Ausmus 115299
Aunspaugh Mary Plaintiff John F. Aunspaugh 115633
Ausmus Juanita Plaintiff J. D. Ausmus 116541
Aufdemorte Henry A. Plaintiff Donna Giles Harper 121596
Ault Earl E. Plaintiff Dean Rappleye, et al 119162
Audio Luigina Fratto Plaintiff Corner Canyon Water Co 119639
Austin Jumbo Mines, Inc Plaintiff Fideltiy & Deposit Co 119654
Award Realty Company Plaintiff Tom Hage 120298
Ault Owen Plaintiff H. Clay Cummings 126906
Aullman Rex Plaintiff A. E. Price 128320
Austerman A. V. Plaintiff J. Price Associates, Inc et al 128621
Aultorest Memorial Corp. Defendant Beehive Builders Supply 110964
Ault Earl etc Defendant Jesse R. Curtis, et al 111020
Ausmus J. D. Defendant Juanita Ausmus 115299
Aunspaugh John F. Defendant Mary Aunspaugh 115833
Ausmus J. D. Defendant Juanita Ausmus 116541
Austin Robert A. Defendant Jerry W. Ludlow 119546
Auerbach Company Defendant Gary Lee Holston etc 122820
Auerbach Realty Co et al Defendant Glenn S. Nelson etal 122918
Auerbach Company Defendant Mrs. Beryl Hutchings 123375
Auerbach Company Defendant Louise Priest 123621

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