


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Atwood Jane Plaintiff James M. Atwood 111936
Atwood William Iliff Plaintiff Mary LaVerne Atwood 111973
Atlantic Welding Work Plaintiff Utility Trailer Sales 113750
Atwater Bert Jr. Plaintiff R. J. Edwards 116040
Atkin Darrell N. Plaintiff Ione M. Atkin 125786
Atlas Equipment Co Plaintiff J. Elmo England 127733
Athes Lou et al Defendant Andy Dallas, et al 111802
Atwood James M. Defendant Jane Atwood 111936
Atwood Mary LaVerne Defendant Wm. Illiff Atwood 111973
Atkin Ivan Defendant Calvin Johnson d/ b/ a/ Johnson Agency 116908
Atlas Sewing Center, et al Defendant Robt. P. Thompson 116939
Atkinson Marwin Defendant Lindy Atkinson 119616

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