


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Atkinson Ruth Plaintiff Treasure Mountain Mining Co. 11862
Atkinson Ruth Plaintiff Treasure Mountain Mining Co. 110968
Atkinson Marvin et ux Plaintiff People's Finance 111347
Atles Uranium Corp. Plaintiff Capital Securities 113936
Atkinson Myrna Lorriane Plaintiff Rodger W. Atkinson 114618
Atwater Bert Jr. Plaintiff B. J. Edwards 116040
Atkinson Ruth Plaintiff Harry Shelton, etc 117492
Atkinson Lindy Plaintiff Marvin Atkinson 119616
Atkinson Keith et ux Plaintiff Donald R. Williams, et al 120182
Atwood Lorane M. Plaintiff Glen S. Atwood 122746
Attebery W M. Plaintiff Bro. of Railroad Trainmen 123054
Atkinson Norma Plaintiff Roy O. Pearson 123292
Atwood Glen S. et al Plaintiff Francesco Fabiano, et al 123383
Atlas Equipment Co. Plaintiff Leo G. Batesman 127363
Atwood Iris Palmer Plaintiff Dallas M. Atwood 126277
Atwood Kenneth W. et ux Defendant Wilford L. Webb, et ux 110485
Atkinson Ruth etc et al Defendant Alan E. Brockbank 110513
Athay James L. et ux Defendant I & M Rug & Linoleum Co. 111144
Athey Maxine McKinney et al Defendant Donald E. Penman et al 111593
Atkinson J. K. Defendant Jenks Hatchery, et al 112436
Atwood Marvin Joy et al Defendant Walter W. Hunter, et al 112582
Athas L. P. et al Defendant Montena Chemical & Milling 112811
Athas C. E. Defendant Jerry W. Moss, et ux 113074
Athas L. P. Defendant J. Reed Tuft 113124
Atherley S. B. et al Defendant Bullion Monarch Uranium Co 113515
Atkinson Rodger W. Jr Defendant Myrna L. Atkinson 114618
Atherley Dorothy Jane et al Defendant John L. Balmforth, Jr. 114726
Athay Theodore James Defendant James M. Norfleet 118843
Atkinson Keith et ux Defendant Donald R. Williams 120182
Atkinson Marvin et ux Defendant Peoples Finance & Thrift Co 120551
Atwood K. Ward et ux Defendant Wilford L. Webb etal 122253
Atlantic & Pacific Fisheries Defendant Salt Lake City Lines 121374
Athay James L. et ux Defendant I & M Rug & Linoleum 122382
Atwood Glen S. Defendant Lorene M. Atwood 122746
Atwood Albert B. etux Defendant Miller Finance Co 123928
Atherley Theodore J. Defendant Raymond Knell etux 124255
Atkin Ione M. Defendant Darrell N. Atkin 125786
Atkinson Willis Defendant Buehner Block Co 126195

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