


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Archer John D. Plaintiff Gunsite-Butte Uranium Co. 110861
Armstron Oraon E. Plaintiff Bernice Stevens Armstrong 110954
Arthurm Carol Plaintiff Chester B. Arthur 112064
Aramki Yaye Plaintiff Hiroski Aramaki 112152
Armstrong Hellen S. Plaintiff Dawn E. Armstrong 112293
A.R.B. Window Sales Co. Plaintiff Danill Webster Richards etal 112277
Armstrong Sup. Co. Plaintiff Beth Roberts 112909
Araphoe Special Prel. Plaintiff Interstate Motor Dines 112961
Arden Inv. Co., etc Plaintiff Roma Shoes, Inc., etal 113105
Archuleta Ano C. Plaintiff George R. Sarmen, etux 113336
Arnold H A. Plaintiff E. M. Willden, etc 113611
Aragon Teresa Plaintiff Cidro Aragon 114026
Armwood L W. etux Plaintiff Wm. A. Francois, dba Uncle B Bill's Dinner Bell Motel & Case 114677
Arch Browning Inc. Plaintiff R. L. Kershner 115793
Archuleta Mary R. Plaintiff Michael A. Archuleta 116428
Archuletta Patricia H. Plaintiff Ivo Charles Archuletta 117374
Aris Dolores Maine Plaintiff Phillip George Aris 118206
Arnold Machinery Co. Plaintiff V. A. McQueary & Eve McQueary 118393
Arnold Nettie Suirk Plaintiff Melvin R. Arnold 121148
Archuletta Ethel Plaintiff Ricardo Archuletta 121540
Archuleta Rita Koa Plaintiff Nicolas Archuleta 121620
Archuleta Tonita Trujillo Plaintiff Max Joe Archuleta 131925
Arellano Orlando Elfido Plaintiff Union Pacific R. R. 119129
Arnson David etc Plaintiff Glen Baughman 119186
Arnold Machinery Co. Plaintiff L. G. Christensen, etc. 119329
Armstrong Elizabeth A. Plaintiff Leslie H. Godwin, etuz 119725
Armstrong Diane Plaintiff George Armstrong 119997
Arrow Eva Luella Plaintiff Ted Arrow 120043
Arigoni Eugenia K. Plaintiff Lawrence A. Arigoni 120048
Armstrong BeLone Cheal Plaintiff Thos. H. Hunsaker, etal 120069
Arbuckle Claudia Plaintiff Harold Arbuckle 122167
Arnold Machinery Co. Plaintiff Intrusion Prepakt, Inc. 122246
Armstrong Sup. Co. Plaintiff R. J. Myers 122351
Arctic Circle, Inc. Plaintiff Rollan Masterson 122933
Arctic Circle, Inc. Plaintiff Howard S. Winter, Jr. 123349
Archuleta Regina Plaintiff Raymond Archuleta 124131
Arellano Louise Ann Plaintiff Charles Edward Arellano 124362
Armatage Barbara Lou Perkins Plaintiff Ross S. Armatage 125830
Armstrong Sarah Faun Cobert Plaintiff Robert Melbourne Armstrong 124886
Arnold Rose Ladeen Plaintiff Louis Dale Arnold 123917
Arrowrock Distributing Co. Plaintiff Stanley Asbury 125369
Aranda Dorothy Plaintiff Juan Aranda 126101
Armstrong Bernice D. Stevens Defendant Orson E. Armstrong 110513
Armstrong Bernice Stevens Defendant Orson E. Armstrong 110954
Arctic Circle, Inc. etal Defendant Howard Knowles, etux 111178
Arthur Chester B. Defendant Carol Arthur 112070
Aramaki Hiroshi Defendant Yoye Aramaki 112152
Armstrong Donn E. Defendant Helen S. Armstrong 112293
Arnold Machinery Co. Defendant Kenneth Mayne 113179
Aragon Cidro Defendant Teresa M. Aragon 114026
Archibald Keith H. et al Defendant Family Fin. Cp. 114805
Arrington Cammon A. Defendant Anna H. Arrington 115977
Arnold Henry A. etc Defendant Olympia Sales Co. 116083
Archuleta Michael Anthony etc Defendant Mary Rushton Archuleta 116428
Artogram System, Inc. et al Defendant Granger Land & Development Col 117250
Archuleta Ivo Charles Defendant Patricia H. Archuleta 117374
Archuletta Iva C. etux Defendant People's Fin. Co. 117942
Arnold Machinery Co Defendant St. Jeor Const. Co. 117440
Argyle Emma Ireta Defendant Kenneth Baird 118086
Aris Phillip George Defendant Dolores Maxine Aris 118206
Archuleta Iva C. et al Defendant Doris J. Glover 118727
Armstrong George Defendant Diane Armstrong 119997
Arrow Ted Defendant Eva Luella Arrow 120043
Arigoni Lawrence A. Defendant Eugenia K. Arigoni 120048
Armstrong Melba Defendant Elliott M. Perry 120447
Archuleta Ivo Defendant Dan R. Fogle Red-E-Mix Conc. 119826
Armstrong Bruce Defendant Frank J. Occhipinti 120891
Archuleta Robert Defendant Lawrence W. Richards 120978
Arnold Melvin R. Defendant Nettie Siurk Arnold 121148
Archuletta Ricardo Defendant Ethel Archuletta 121540
Archuleta Nicolas Defendant Rita Roa Archuleta 121620
Archuleta Max Joe Defendant Tonita (Trujullo) Archuleta 121925
Armored Motors Ser., etc Defendant Grand Central Drug. Co. 121977
Archibald Merrill R. Defendant Carl W. Carlson 122482
Arnolds Carl J. Defendant Model Cr. Co. 123214
Aramaki Hiroshi Defendant Delbert Tripp 123634
Arbuckle Harold Defendant Claudia Arbuckle 122167
Arnold Louis Dale Defendant Rose Ladeen Arnold 123917
Archuleta Mike T. Defendant Paul Romero 124113
Arnn Ike Defendant Macel P. Thurmond 124202
Arellano Charles Edward Defendant Louise Ann Arellano 124362
Arge Sam Defendant Granite Sheet Metal Inc. 124723
Armstrong Robert Melbourne Defendant Sarah Faun Covert Armstrong 124886
Archibeque Ray P. etux Defendant Model Cr. Co. 125176

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