


Status: Complete

Date Range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Aoppi Mario et al ect. Plaintiff Russell Lundburg, etc. 110996
Aoyagi Jack Tsuriys Plaintiff Kumiko Moriyass Aoyagi 112377
Aoki, Fruit and Produce Co Plaintiff Waine Edwards dba Waine Edwards Produce 118064
Aoki Fruit and Produce Co Plaintiff Ralph Dunkley, etc 118770
Aoyagi Kimiko Morujama Defendant Jack Tsurujs Ayagi 112377
Aoki James T. etc Defendant Peter Mart Jorgensen et al 121963
Aoki Fruit & Produce Co Defendant Joseph Marcovecchio 123554
Aoki Fruit & Produce Co Defendant Wally Sato 124059
Aoki Fruit & Produce Co Defendant Hinckleys' Inc 124756
Aoki Joesph M. Defendant James Loizos 125647

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Genesie Miller

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