Illinois [32 items]



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Nels Olson 1102 W. Division Kewanel Ill.
Lawrence Peterson 1108 W. Div St Kawanel Ill
Miss Ingrid Jonsson Kewannll
M. N. Eckwall 1100 West div St.
Mrs. M. N. Eckwall Kewancee Ill. 110. W. Divison St.
Last edit over 1 year ago by fabuloki
Page 52

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Mrs Yettie C Thatchel
W.E. Kitchel 406 N. Ave. B. Canton Ill.
J. H. Kitchel 406 N. Ave B. Canton Ill.
Hannah Hawkins 258 W. Vine Canton Ill
Mrs. Ann Herink 153 Fairview Place
Frank Herink, Canton Ill.
Last edit over 1 year ago by fabuloki
Page 53

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W H Pascoe Canton Ill 137 W. Oak St
Mrs Tellis Pascoz Canton Ill
Luella Spargo Canton Ill 412 N. Ave. A.
John Spargo Canton Ill 412 N. Ave A
Emma B Denney Canton Ill 13E. Ghist.
Bernard Denney Canton, Ill, 13E. Chist,
Frank Shields Canton Ill.
Fred Nallser, 404 N 9th ave Cancon Ill.
P. B. Worddell 312 W Oak St Canton Ill
C. E. Hallor 38 N 6 ave Canton Ill
E. R. Clarin 855, E, ave, Canton Ill.
W C Sandberg 2415 5th Canton Ill
Last edit over 1 year ago by fabuloki
Page 54
Needs Review

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[left-hand column] To The Honorable WILLIAM SPRY

Governor of the State of Utah,

Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Undersigned, all being citizens of the United States, and whose addresses are set opposite their names, having been informed concerning the recent trial and convinction of one Joseph Hillstrom, (also known as Joe Hill) by the District Court of Salt Lake County, Utah, for the alleged killing of J. S. Morrison, and his son, Arling Morrison, in Salt Lake County, Utah, on January 10th, 1914, and of the affirmance of the Judgment of conviction of said District Court by the Supreme Court of the State of Utah, hereby make appeal to your executive clemency on behalf of said Hillstrom, and request that you grant him a pardon, for the following reasons, to-wit:

That the said Hillstrom was denied by the Judge of the said District Court of Salt Lake County that fair and impartial trial which is guaranteed to all citizens of the United States by the Constitution thereof, and the laws of the State of Utah, in that the said Court denied to him the privilege of being defended by counsel of his own selection, or of conducting his own defence, and that he has therefore been deprived of the benefit of counsel.

Because the convintion of said Hillstrom was obtained upon flimsy and wholly insufficient evidence, the said trial being a mockery of justice and the verdict rendered therein due wholly to prejudice prevailing in said Salt Lake County against Hillstrom because of his activity in the labor movement.

Name Roger P. Heller, Route 5, Canton, Ill

Address ...

Bert Willison 465 av [?] Canton Ill
Homer [Mals] Canton Ill
S J. DeYoung, Canton, Ill
Helen West Hellez Canton Ill.
Carl Sweet, Canton Ill
Silas Hurst
[right-hand column] di questo paese. Centinais di serite tori assoldati dimostrano con saggi, novelle, romansi, articoli, che questo paese e' povero di difese e potrebbe facilmeate cadere vittims del primo addressore.

Siccome la guerra o ancors cosa immaginaris, tutta la brava gente che dalla guerra ha da guadagnare, diventa coraggioss all'epesso e da il buon esempio alle masse she veramente subiranno le consequense ze del conflitto. Infatti, in questi giorni, piu di mille grossi finanzieri,professionisti, e altra gente da spasso e partits per un campo di manovre a Plattsbury, N. Y. dove gli ufficiali dell'esercito regolare si propongono di sviluppare nei prossimi due anni 40.000 ufficiali volon. tarii in preparazioneper la guerra Vi furono delle scene gaienelle stazioni ferrovaiarie dove questi baldie di gli di Marte (a cui mancavano solamente i riccioli ed il belletto) partivano per il fronte.... dei vagoni Pullman. L'elite femmenile di New York, ha offerto le sue mansioni per ospedali militariin questa guerra... ipotetica. Che nobile patriottismo! E iminchicni abbocckerano all'ame! G.C.

[?] sistema capitalista e fondateo sui atto che i padroni tengono i loro occhi aperti ed i lavoratori li tengono chiusi. [/right-hand column]

Last edit about 2 years ago by Steviem
Displaying pages 51 - 54 of 54 in total