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I think you will remember in my
financial letter, that I spoke of the fact that four
of the women of the state were standing responsible
for notes to the amount of $3,000. This was done because
of the perfect faith that the women that each
county would stand back of this movement to the amount
that had been assessed to them and that it was necessary
in order to carry out a comprehensive plan to
allow nothing to fall down because of lack of funds,
so you see that the apportionment that belongs to these
various counties have been used already and must be

I will ask Mrs. Rewman to write to
you and take up the matter of the financial work in
your county, but please do not wait for her, but carry
out the idea of an organized machine with which your
own women can raise quite a sum without the help of
an out side worker.

We received the Star containing a
good editorial and as I remember it, I acknowledged
the same to Mr. Johnson. This is very good and
effective help.

Sincerely yours,

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