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MRS. MAY P. GHRIST, President MRS. MINA M. WATERS, Vice President MRS. MABEL PRICE, Recording Secretary MRS. CAROLINE B. WATERS, Corresponding Secretary MRS. IDA L. WAITE, Treasurer MRS. KATE M. GARDNER, President Ree Heights District MRS. GERTRUDE MAGNESS, President St. Lawrence District
The Hand County Equal Franchise League Headquarters
Miller, South Dakota April 4, 1918.
Dear Mrs. Pyle,
I have been intending for a week to write to you, and acknowledge the receipt for draft of was it $8.65, I think so, Your letter came yesterday but no posters as yet. I will do my best with them. I called a Suffrage meeting a week ago tomorrow, Had the notice in all the paeprs and announced it at aide societies, and did some phoning, There were seven people out, However I told them about the new status of woman suffrage in S.D. I got hold of all who were there, and put them all but Mrs Toquettelle on my central committe, And I got pledges for $40.00 I am going way down into the most south western township in the county to talk as Food Conservation tomorrrow night. And I am going to tell those people about Woman
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