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you could plan ahead for it, if
you decided to do so. This being an
important place, I believe it would
pay to come and let them talk it
out. She has invited us both to
come straight to her house and
be her guests. Senator McDowell
is to speak, but she says he will
have to make his short.

It seemed better to me to go away
and come back, than to wait around
for a special meeting to be called,
and have hardlly any one present.

This too will give Mrs. Weller
time to talk things over with the
other members. The Wellers have
become Non-Partisan Leaguers, but
she seems very sensible and it
probably would not matter. At any rate
we have a chance to get the officers
changed if it looks desirable.
I will go back to Salem tonight
at 6.30 and try to get away from there as soon
as possible. Have gone carefully
over my route and made the
enclosed itinerary according to

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