Dell Rapids S.D. Feb 19-1918
Mrs. S.A Christensen, Sec. Woman's Committee C.N.D. Sioux Falls
My dear Mrs. Christensen Feeling that my services as Chairman of Finance on the Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense, are not needed, I respectfully
tender my resignation and request that same be accepted.
Thank you and other members for all courtesies shown me I am
Yrs sincerely Gina Smith Campbell
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Sioux Falls S.D. Feb 19th '18 My dear Mrs Pyle Yours in regard to dates for Conference received.
So far as we are able to determine, May 18th 19th and 20th would be the most satisfactory dates.
If for any reason a later date would be more convenient for your let us know at once.
Where is Mrs McMahon at the present time?
I imagine that you have planned for her to be in this part of the
[1918, Feb. 19] state before the Conference as we will have to depend largely, upon nearby counties for our attendance.
We are making an unusual venture for finances and would appreciate if very much if you could arrange for her to be in this county next week Sincerely Mrs. L. Leavett