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[1918, Feb. 11]

whom she might get to help her and
soon. Well the outcome of her visit was
a new Chairman for Marshel Co. its
Mrs Thornburg of Kidder. so
from this on she will be the Ladie
you will half to correspond with
I sure will help all I can, just the
same if I am on the farm, but I never
could work like I did last time
in Fact I could not do that much.
even were I in town, as you say to
much Red Cross Work for most of us.
I have had to give up the extencion
work of the Red Cross allso committee
work, but I still can knit. I have
knit 5 swetters beside several pair of
sock and 1 pair of ristlets.
now I will uses every effort to
help feed the boys and do what
else we can our boy will soon be
amongst the rest.

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