February 9,1918
Mrs.John L.Pyle, Huron, S.D.
Dear Mrs. Pyle:
Replying to yours of recent date, we had planned on doing our "bit and best for the enfranchisement of the women of South Dakota, and while we will endorse it editorially, if you have plate matter that is not working we would be glad to have, assuring you that we will get full time out of it. We are expecting to accomplish considerable thru team work with Mrs Rewman.
Very truly, W. H. Bonham
We will appreciate th Woman Citizen
601 Florence Court W Washington, D.C. February 9, 1918.
My dear Mrs. Pyle:
I have not fogotten that I propsoed to raise $500.00 of our $1000.00 I wonder how soon we must have it to prove our good faith.
I had just time to do what [illegible] was for me before I was taken seriously ill alone in my sisters apartment.
I was in bed, with a prof nurse until Feb. 1st during which time my sister came home from her holiday trip to Florida and, following the fashion in W-, fell on icy street and broke her wrist. While I was still weak I had to help her dress and get our breakfasts as W is fearfully crowded and every one gets own meals if possible - and one morning I slipped on wet tiles in the bathroom and fell across the edge of the tub breaking ribs in two places. You can imagine that I have been quite closely at home. Isn't it wonderful how those women get
what they go after? The doctor says I cannot go to Dakota until after March so I am going to ry to raise some of that money by letter. I really believe the Amendment will carry. I hope I shall be her when it comes up in Senate
I am well enough now to begin going out and am going to the Rhode Island house and see if I can do any definite work there.
I hope you are feeling well and hae escaped all accidents. My sister was one of 18 broken wrists which were set by one surgeon - not mentioning other limnbs etcetra. Our doctor set his wife's arm and his daughter's leg broken in two places in one day. I was too ill to go to the House for the vote - but my sister left her school and went to tell me about it.
Do you think Mr. Dillon will be returned? I reget the loss of Royal Johnson Is there anything you wish me to do or any suggestion? I shall be here all of this month I think - possibly a little longer. Hear only good news from the Fairbank family.
Will you or can you send me a list of names of Preseidents of Suffrage
[1918, Feb. 9]
Clubs in Eastern part of state? It is going to be hard to get money from S.D. people for Suffrage but we must. I wouldn't fail to get that $1000.00 for anything.
Yours most cordially Etta Estey Boyce
February 9th, 1918.
Mrs. Henry Bull, 303 5th Ave., New York City.
My dear Mrs. Bull:--
In answer to your letter of February 2nd, will say that we will be very glad to have what-ever you desire to send us of the Votes for Women penants, under the terms you name, that is, the assuming of the express charges by us.
I feel that I must apologize for this delay in replying to your letter, but the letter was mislaid and not found until this morning,